Ponyboy imagine for staygrease

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I ran my fingers through my silky brownish-blonde hair as I brushed it. Tonight my crush, Ponyboy Curtis, was taking me out to the movies. After I finished putting on a little makeup, I heard my mom call, "Autumn! Ponyboy's here!" I smiled and took one last look in the mirror to make sure I looked okay before I went downstairs. As soon as I made it to the bottom of the stairs, Ponyboy looked up and his eyes went wide. I blushed before walking over to him. "Hi Ponyboy." The tips of his ears were red, a sure sign that he was nervous. "Hi Autumn, you look great." I smiled at the compliment. "Thank you Pony. You don't look too bad yourself." He smiled and stared at his shoes. He looked up, his greenish-gray eyes meeting my hazel ones, and asked, "Are you ready to go?" I nodded and felt him wrap his arm around my waist. I instantly felt myself blush. "You two have fun," my mom called as we left. The whole walk to the movies, Pony and I talked about everything from school to the sunset today. I loved talking to Pony and I could tell him anything. He's just so...perfect. "Autumn?" I snapped out of my thought as Ponyboy waved his hand in front of my eyes. He chuckled. "We're here." "Huh, I guess we are," I joked, causing him to laugh. After we payed for our tickets and took our seats, the movie started. It was some beach movie that I didn't really like, but Pony seemed to be enjoying himself. Suddenly a cold wind blew, causing me to shiver. Pony must've noticed because he asked, "You cold?" I nodded. "Here." He took off his jacket and laid it across my shoulders. I blushed and smiled. He smiled too. After I slipped my arms through the sleeves, Ponyboy yawned and as he put his arm down, he put it across my shoulders. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks and looked over at Pony who was smiling. I smiled down at my lap and laid my head on his shoulder, instantly feeling butterflies. He turned to me after a few moments and said, "Uh...Autumn...I-I gotta tell you something." "Yeah Pony? What is it?" "I like you...a lot...and I was wondering...i-if you wanted to...be my girl?" He asked, sounding nervous. I felt my heart skip a beat. "I'd love to," I said, causing him to smile. Feeling a sudden rush of confidence, I leaned over and kissed his lips, feeling him smile.
Happy holidays everyone! Thanks Autumn for requesting and all of you should go read her stuff! It's really awesome!

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