Johnny imagine for AshleyKless

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I nervously stuck my hands in my jeans jacket pockets and looked across the room at Ashley, who was watching Mickey Mouse. Her dark chocolate brown hair was curled so it fell in little waves down her back and her lips had a light pink lipgloss on them that went well with her perfectly tanned skin. She was so beautiful. I just wish I had the guts to tell her how much I liked her, that every time she was around me, my heart pounded in my chest. Love is the best feeling in the world. "Hey y'all wanna go to the movies?" Pony asked, sitting up a little. I nodded then turned to Ashley. "Do you wanna go Ash?" I asked quietly, staring at my lap, my cheeks heating up. "Okay." I looked up at her to see her smiling a little, making my blush darken. As we walked down the street, Ashley's and my hands kept brushing together. I wanted to hold her hand so badly but I was too scared that she might not like me the same way. Pony was walking ahead of us, off in his own little world as usual, and it was that way until we took our seats in the very back of the drive-in. Ashley and I sat in a nervous silence until it was broken by someone saying, "Ponyboy!" Pony looked down the rows and instantly smiled, the tips of his ears turning red. Right then and there I knew it was that girl that he liked. "I gotta go Johnnycakes. I'll see you at home." Then he got up and left, leaving me alone with Ashley. This was the perfect time to tell her how I really felt about her. "Ashley?" She looked over at me, her hazel eyes sparkling. "Yeah Johnnycakes?" I gulped nervously. "I gotta tell you something..." She looked kinda worried. "What is it?" "I really," I swallowed and looked at the ground, trying to hide how bad I was blushing, "I really like you." It seemed like forever before she said, "I really like you too," and took my hand in hers, lacing our fingers together, making me smile. Then she said, "Actually, I got something to tell you too Johnny." I looked over at her and that's when she started leaning in. I leaned in too, feeling my heart pound, she was gonna kiss me! Once our lips lightly touched, I thought I was going to melt. We both pulled away quickly, blushing hard. Then we looked at each other and smiled before leaning in and kissing again, for longer this time. After we broke the kiss, I couldn't stop smiling and it didn't look like she was gonna either. Feeling a sudden rush of confidence, I took a deep breath and asked, "Ashley, would...would you be my girl?" The blush on her face darkened and she smiled. "I'd love to Johnny." I smiled and kissed her gently. I was so happy that Ashley, the love of my life, was finally mine.
Wow everyone! This was imagine number fifty! Thank you all so much for all of your requests and reading. But I wanna give a special thanks to my best friend Katy (OutsidersObsessed_ ) for sending out that message to her followers (I'm one of them) that day. If it hadn't been for that imagine that I did for her, who knows where I'd be right now. I love you guys.

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