Dally imagine

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I was at the party at Buck's. My best friend, Dariann, convinced me to go since her boyfriend and my brother, Two-Bit Mathews was gonna be here. "I'll have another water please." I told the guy behind the counter and slid my glass towards him. He took it and filled it back up before sliding it back to me. Everywhere around me there were people drinking and couples making out. I took another sip of my water and heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around and saw Dallas Winston standing behind me, a cigarette dangling from his perfect lips. I guess you can say that I've had a bit of a crush on Dallas ever since Two-Bit let me meet the gang two years ago. That was the last time I'd seen them. "Yes?" I asked and set my glass on the counter, which Dally was now leaning on. "Hey there doll what's your name?" I crossed my arms and cocked one eyebrow. "Don't you remember me Dallas Tucker Winston?" He looked me up and down a few times before he asked, "Emily?" I nodded and laughed. "Damn babe you got hotter since the last time I saw ya." I smirked. "You thought I was hot?" He grinned. "Yeah." "How's that broad you were trying to pick up on, Sylvia?" He shook his head. "Little broad was two timing me when I was in jail man." I put a hand on his arm. "I'm sorry Dal." "It's cool." He said with a smirk. "Emily?" I looked up and our eyes met. I tried to hide the fact that I was blushing. "What?" He leaned closer. "You're crazy about me." I cocked an eyebrow. "Psh. In your dreams." He leaned closer. Close enough to where I could feel his breath, making me shiver lightly. "Admit it," I looked into his eyes and swallowed hard, "you can't resist me." I playfully rolled my eyes. "I'll cut ya a deal Winston. I'll admit that when you settle down with one broad and only one broad. One that you truly like." He smirked. "Can't do that doll." "Why not?" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey Em...can we go somewhere?" I just stared at him. "No! Nothing like that. I just wanna talk." I nodded and we walked outside. We both sat under the big oak tree. I leaned back and noticed something carved into the tree. I ran my fingers over the letters "DTW and EAM" "Did you write this?" I asked Dally with a smirk. He flicked out his switchblade and grinned. "So why did you say you couldn't do that while we were inside?" "The girl I dig isn't a broad." "Who is she?" "You." He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I got butterflies as I kissed him back. When he broke the kiss he pushed some of my blonde hair out of my face and said, "I though you were the most beautiful girl ever since Two-Bit first introduced you to the gang," I blushed, "do ya wanna be my girl?" I nodded. He took his ring off of his finger and slipped it onto mine. "Now to officially make you mine." He leaned over and kissed my neck. I was sure I was going to have a hickey. "Dallas." He looked up at me and smirked. Then he trailed kisses up my neck to my nose. I playfully slapped his shoulder. "Quit before Two-Bit sees." "Don't act like you don't like it." I giggled and shoved him. "Oh shut up." He grinned. I shivered a little from the cold. "You cold?" I nodded and he laid his leather jacket over my shoulders before putting his arm around me pulling me closer. "Two-Bit's not gonna like this." I said and kissed him on the nose. He stroked my face. "Nothing's gonna happen. Not as long as I'm with you." I kissed him passionately on the lips, believing every word he said.
Hey guys sorry if this kinda sucks. I'm not used to writing imagines for Dally. But I tried and the next one will be better. I promise.

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