Ponyboy imagine for sweetie5678939273663

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Sorry this took so long. My data plan was up and I had to use my friend's wifi to post this.
I took a nervous breath and walked into my new science class. It's been this way all day. Recently my family moved to Tulsa and I had to start a new school where I don't know anyone. As I walked in, everyone's heads shot up and looked at me. I blushed and stared at my feet, twisting a piece of my dark brown hair around my finger. "You must be Miss (your last name)." I nodded. "Well, we're working on a project right now. Just go ahead and sit anywhere." I looked around the room and saw a boy sitting all by himself. He had reddish-brown hair that was slicked back with hair grease. I sat down in the chair next to him. He looked over at me nervously. I gave him a shy smile which he returned. "Hi, my name's Ari." I said, sticking my hand out. "I'm Ponyboy." He replied, shaking my hand, holding on a little longer then he was supposed to. I got butterflies. Then we started working on our project, talking about things that we liked. Turns out we liked a lot of the same things. Just as we wrote down our the last bit of data, the bell rang. Pony and I started walking out of the building together, talking about Tulsa. "If you want, I could show you around sometime." I blushed at my feet and nodded. "I'd like that." I saw my mom at the front of the pickup line. "Well, I guess I'll see you later Ponyboy." He waved goodbye. Just before I walked out the door I turned around and pecked his lips. Then, realizing that I did, I rushed out the door and got into my mom's car. "Who was that Ari." I blushed and played with my hands in my lap. "No one." I looked back out the window to see still Pony standing there, dumbstruck. I giggled to myself. I couldn't wait for tomorrow.
Sorry if this sucked. I hope you like it. ☺️

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