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I made my way to the DX where my best friend and crush, Sodapop Curtis, worked. It was after school let out, so I knew there would be lots of girls swarming him. The thought made me chuckle a little. They didn't know he's actually gay, he told the gang and I a while ago. He just never told us who he liked. As I got closer, my heart started to pound. Soda was leaning on a Mustang, filling it up with gas. He didn't have a shirt on and I had to force myself not to stare at his perfectly sculpted abs. But when I looked up, I got lost in his beautiful eyes. "Hey Jeremy!" Soda said, breaking me from my trance, making my face heat up in fear that he knew I liked him. "H-hey Soda. What's up?" He chuckled, making my cheeks burn more. "Just workin'. Man you wouldn't believe them girls in there. They're probably eating Steve alive." I laughed, making him grin. I leaned up against the warm metal, watching as he finished filling the tank. "So what's it like? Having all those girls after ya like that?" He shrugged. "I don't know. Kinda annoying." I nodded. "Jeremy, can I tell ya something?" he asked as he put away the gas nozzle. I moved so I was sitting on the hood, my feet hanging over the fender. "Sure." He chuckled nervously and said, "Ya know how I told you that I was gay a little while ago?" I nodded. "Well...that's because....I love you Jeremy." I felt my eyes widen and my heart start pounding. "You do?" He nodded and sat next to me. "That's why Sandy cheated on me. I told her I loved someone else. I just never had the guts to tell ya," he said, ruffling my hair. I smiled. "Well, lucky for you, I'm single and I love you too." He chuckled. "Wanna be mine?" A squeal escaped my lips and I got embarrassed, hoping I didn't turn him off. "Yes," was all I could say. He grinned and said, "Then I guess you won't mind me doing this." He firmly pressed his soft lips to mine, making me want to melt. He was an amazing kisser. I could see why all the girls wanted him. We kissed for a few moments before we broke it and rested our foreheads together, both of us breathing really hard. "I love you Jeremy." I smiled, hearing the words I've always wanted to hear. "I love you too Sodapop." He grinned his movie star grin, and leaned in to kiss me again.

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