Dally imagine for OutsidersObsessed_

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"I saw you staring at Katy last night. What's going on between you and her, huh?" Buck asked me, clearing away a few of the leftover beer cans off of the tables.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Did you see all those girls here last night?" I tried to hide how I really felt. Katy was the hottest girl I'd seen.

Lighting a weed, I went outside for a smoke to clear my head. I don't know how to deal with liking a girl like this. I've never really even liked a girl, just lusted for one.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I came to from my daydream. You were walking down the street, wearing this purple dress that fit your body perfectly. I didn't want to take my eyes off of you for a second. It was the first time I actually got nervous to talk to a girl, my hand was even shaking a little.

As you walked up the stairs, I didn't notice that the cherry of my cigarette was about to fall into my lap. Just as you said "hi" to me and I tried to play it cool, it fell onto my hand, causing me to hiss in pain, probably looking like a fool in those beautiful eyes of yours.

"Are you alright Dally?" you asked me, worry in your voice. That's another thing I really dig about you, you're always so caring. "Yeah, I'm alright," I lied coolly. "Happens all the time."

You let out your famous giggle, the one that is music to my ears. "Well, I was on my way to the DX to third-wheel with Emily and Pony," you giggled again. Man, I could feel myself falling harder for you with every word that came from those precious lips of yours. I saw my chance and I took advantage of it. "Well, if ya want, we could go on a double date then. You and me, and the kids." I smirked, letting a nervous chuckle escape my lips. I hoped you didn't notice the effect that you were having on me. "I'd love to Dally." You took my hand, giving it a squeeze.

As we walked down the steps and toward the DX, I stopped suddenly and stared into your eyes, I couldn't help myself, so I leaned down and placed my lips on those soft pink ones of yours. Man, I could kiss them all day if you'd let me

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