Ponyboy imagine

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I gazed out at the golden light from the setting sun and sighed. "It's so beautiful Ponyboy. Thank you for inviting me to watch it with you." Ponyboy looked over at me and smiled. His freshly greased bleached blond hair catching the sunlight, making it shine. "I'm glad your watching it with me." I smiled and Ponyboy turned back to the sunset. "Too bad it can't stay that way all the time." "Yeah. But then it wouldn't be special. Nothing gold can stay, you know?" He turned back to me and his eyes went wide. "You know that poem?" I nodded. "Nature's first green is gold." He smiled. "Her hardest hue to hold." "Her early leaf's a flower." He leaned closer. "But only so an hour." I moved closer. "Then leaf subsides to leaf." Closer. "So Edan sank to grief." Closer. "So dawn goes down to day." "Nothing gold can stay." We finished at the same time. Our faces were an inch apart now. We both blushed really hard and moved away. My heart was racing. I put my hand down and accidentally put my fingers over Ponyboy's. We both looked down at them. Pony's face was bright red. "E-Emily I-" "Yeah Ponyboy?" "C-can I try something?" I nodded. "C-close your eyes." I fluttered my eyes closed and felt a pair of lips against mine. Oh my god. Ponyboy Curtis was kissing me! My stomach filled with butterflies. I wanted to kiss him back so badly but I was frozen. Pony pulled away, his face red, looking hurt . "O-oh I-I'm so sorry Emily I-" I pecked his lips. "Shhh Ponyboy. It's okay." He grinned. "I-I've liked you for a long time. I was to scared to say anything because I thought you didn't like me back." I kissed his cheek. "I do like you." He looked down at the ground, his face bright red. "D-do ya wanna be my girl?" I tilted his chin up and looked him in the eyes. "I would love that." He grinned from ear to ear and connected our lips again.

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