Thanksgiving Imagine

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This is a special holiday imagine. It's going to be about Ponyboy. (Of course) hope you guys like it. By the way my friend says he looks like a pilgrim in that picture. What do you guys think?
I nervously clutched the bouquet of flowers in my sweaty hands as I knocked on my girlfriend, Emily's, door. Today was Thanksgiving and she invited me over to eat with her family. Emily opened the door, looking as beautiful as ever. "Hi Ponyboy." She said as she gave me a hug once I walked in. I hugged her back tight, just enjoying being close to her, when someone cleared their throat. Emily pulled away, but laced her fingers through mine. She introduced me to her mom, who was nice and welcoming, then to her dad. "Daddy, this is Ponyboy Curtis." He gave Emily a funny look, like he couldn't believe hat he was hearing. "Ponyboy? What kind of name is Ponyboy?" I felt the tips of my ears begin to burn and anger bubble in my stomach. "Steve!" Emily's mom said through clenched teeth, glaring at him. Emily's dad shrugged and walked into the kitchen with her mom following. "Join us whenever you're ready. Then, Ponyboy, you can meet the rest of Emily's family." She said as she walked around the corner. "I don't think they like me very much. Maybe I should just go." I said and stuffed my hands in my pockets. Emily wrapped her arms around my neck, her gorgeous ocean blue eyes looking straight into my greenish-gray eyes. "Please stay with me Ponyboy. Don't go. It's okay. Don't worry. My dad just takes some time to get used to. He's going to love you. I just know it." I smiled. Emily always knew how to make me feel better. I nervously leaned down and kissed her forehead. A light blush crept up on her cheeks as she smiled and laced our fingers together. "Come on. Let's go eat." I smiled and followed her into the kitchen.
Once we walked in, everyone went silent. "Granny, Papa, this is Ponyboy Curtis. Ponyboy this is my grandpa and my grandma." Emily's grandpa got up to shake my hand, balancing on the counter. "Nice to meet ya son." I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too." Then Emily's grandma came over. "Nice to meet you Ponyboy. Emily has told us so much about you," she leaned closer, "especially about how cute you are." Emily's face turned bright red. "Grandma!" She laughed a little. "I'm just messing with you sweetie." I smiled and we sat down, me next to Emily of course. Emily's mother announced that it was time to give thanks. Emily leaned closer to me and whispered, "Every year we go around the table and say something that we're thankful for." I nodded. When it was Emily's turn I smiled at her answer. "I'm thankful for so much, but this year I'm most thankful for Ponyboy. He can make me smile no matter what mood I'm in, he's always there when I need him, Pony makes me feel like I'm a princess, which is something I haven't ever felt before, he protects me, and makes me feel safe. Like, the safest place to be is in his arms. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me," her eyes met mine as she took my hand, "I couldn't imagine my life without him." Emily's mom and grandparents "awed." The tips of my ears got hot and I smiled at my lap. Emily sat back down and Emily's dad said, "Well Ponyboy, what are you thankful for?" I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm thankful for so much." "Like what?" I played with my hands in my lap. "I'm thankful for my brothers, they're taking care of me since my parents died," I glanced over at Emily, who blushed, "I'm thankful for Emily for always making me feel wanted." I let out a breathy laugh. Then there was an awkward silence. Emily laid her head on my shoulder, earning a glare from her father. "Well, I guess it's time to eat." Emily's mother said and went to go get the food. Emily and her grandmother followed, leaving me with her father and grandfather. "Emily told me you run track Ponyboy." Emily's father said. "Yessir." "Whatcha doing these days besides running from the cops?" I felt perspiration run down my back. "T-the mile sir." He raised his eyebrows. "Really?" I nodded and for a second I thought I saw him smile. Then Emily came in carrying a few plates of food. After the table was set we all started eating. The whole time, I noticed that Emily's father was staring at me.
I set down my fork on my plate, my stomach full. "That was good honey." Emily's father said and took a drink of his coke. I let out a loud burp, causing me to blush and cover my face with my hands. Everyone started laughing. "That's some good eating there." Emily's grandfather said. I looked up and saw Emily smile, then looked outside. "Mom can Pony and I go in my room for a second?" She nodded and Emily took my hand and lead me to her room. She walked over to her window and looked out at the sunset, which gave her a golden glow, making her look absolutely breathtaking. I stood at the door. "Come here." Emily said and motioned to the spot next to her on the ledge where she was sitting. I sat down. "It's so beautiful Ponyboy." She said quietly. "Yeah." She looked over at me and giggled. "You're not even looking at the sunset." I blushed really hard. "Y-you're more beautiful than any sunset." The blush on her face darkened and she looked at the floor, shaking her head slightly. "I am so far from beautiful Ponyboy." I tilted her chin up so she was looking into my eyes. "Y-you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Her face was bright red now and she bit her lip. Something told me to start leaning in, so I did. She blinked her eyes a few times before leaning in too. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I'm finally going to kiss her! Just before our lips met, Emily's door flung open, causing us to jump apart. "Granny and Papa are leaving Emily." Her father said. "Okay. I'll be right back Ponyboy." She kissed my cheek and left. My cheek tingled from where her lips were seconds ago. Emily's dad smiled at me before leaving the room. A few minutes later Emily came back and sat next to me. "Sorry about that Ponyboy." "It's okay." She looked back out her window. "Uh...Emily?" She looked over at me. "Yeah Pony?" I gulped nervously and wiped my sweaty hands on my pants. "N-never mind." She laced our fingers together and looked into my eyes. "Ponyboy please tell me." I looked over at the clock. "Crap! I gotta go before Darry gets mad." She stood up next to me. "Okay. I'll come with you." As we walked into the living room Emily's mom asked, "You're leaving?" "Yeah mom." She stood up and gave me a hug. "It was nice meeting you. You're welcome to come back. We love having you." I smiled and Emily's father came over to me. "You like my little girl huh?" I nodded. "Yessir." He gave me a smile. "Take good care of her Ponyboy." He shook my hand. "Thank you sir. I will." Emily told her parents that she'd be back soon as she stepped out of the door. We walked down the street to my house in a comfortable silence. "Well I'll see you later Emily." I said as I reached for the door handle. She grabbed my arm, giving me chills. "Pony wait." I turned to face her. "But Darry'll-" She kissed my cheek to silence me and my heart started to pound. "Don't worry about Darry sweetie." I smiled at my shoes. "My parents really like you Ponyboy." I felt heat creep up on my cheeks. "They're really nice." She smiled and leaned in to hug me. My cheeks got warmer. We pulled apart slightly Emily's arms were still around my neck and my arms were still around her waist. We stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before we started leaning in just like we did earlier. We grew closer and closer until our lips lightly touched. We both drew back, our faces red. Emily stood on her tippy toes and kissed me again. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I held her close as she cupped my face in her hands, pecking my lips one more time before pulling away. "That was my first kiss." I regretted it as soon as I said it. She probably thought I was an idiot. Emily giggled and stroked my cheek. "It was mine too sweetie." I smiled at the ground with a blush. She pecked my lips. "You should probably go in there before you get in trouble." "Okay." Emily opened the door and yelled, "Sorry we're late. My parents were talking to us." "Okay. Thanks for telling me." Darry called back. Emily started down the street. I shut the door and sighed with a smile. "What happened Pony?" Soda asked from the couch. "I kissed her." He gave me a hug. "My little brother's becoming a man!" Darry came around the corner. "What's going on?" "Pony kissed Emily!" He rolled his eyes and walked back into the kitchen. After that I walked into mine and Soda's room and fell asleep dreaming about Emily.

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