Soda imagine for Alex_1946

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I was sitting at the Nightly Double with the gang. We were watching some beach movie that I really wasn't interested in, but since Sodapop was there, I didn't mind it. Ever since my family and I first moved to Tulsa, I've had a crush on him. We ran out of gas and stopped at the nearest gas station to fill up our tank, which Soda was glad to help us with. The whole time that he pumped the gas, he was staring at me. Every time that I caught him, he'd get a cheesy grin on his face that made me grin too. I loved everything about him. His grin, his eyes, the way he makes me feel when I'm around him...
"Some cute red head huh Pone?" I heard Dally say, nudging Pony's side.
I looked down at my lap and sighed. Dally was up to his old tricks again, talking dirty to a group of girls.
He leaned over closer to the red head and said the nastiest thing I've ever heard come out of a guy's mouth. I had finally had enough of Dally tormenting every girl he meets.
"Cut it out Dally!" I practically screamed.
He wheeled around to face me, nothing but pure anger in his eyes. I have to admit, I was pretty scared of what he was gonna do to me.
"What did you just say to me?!"
"I said leave her alone Dally! She doesn't wanna hear your crap and neither does the rest of the gang!"
The next thing I knew, my head snapped to the side and my cheek burned like wildfire. When I opened my eyes again I saw Dally standing there, his palm turning red. My eyes stung from the tears that were threatening to spill over. Before anyone could say anything else, I ran out of the drive-in and to the park. Just as I got behind a tree, I burst into tears. No one in the gang had ever hit me before. I pulled my knees to my chest. I was shaking and whimpering. I was pretty scared that a Soc might find me. I jumped to my feet when I heard a branch snap right by me.
"Easy Alex. It's just me."
It was Soda.
I sat back down and started crying again. To my surprise, Soda sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"H-he hit me Soda," I managed through the tears.
"But he ain't never gonna hit you again."
I looked up into his eyes. The moon was highlighting his every feature.
"I worked Dally over after you ran out. He said he was sorry and he wasn't ever gonna touch you again."
I smiled and hugged him close.
"Thank you Soda," I whispered.
He pulled back a little and looked into my eyes. Carefully, he wiped the tears away with his thumb and smiled. What happened next was a total surprise. He leaned down and his soft lips met mine in a gentle yet passionate kiss. It lasted for a brief moment before he drew back, the grin on his face even bigger than before.
"I promise Alex, no one's ever gonna hurt ya anymore. Not on my watch."
I'm sorry it took so long Alex! I'm still pretty busy with my schoolwork and I have basically no data left until July. I hope you liked it though. 😊

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