Darry imagine for outsiderswrites14

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Guess what guys! I finally convinced Jeremy to get a Wattpad! His user is @outsiderswrites14 You guys should go follow him. He's an amazing writer and will be writing an imagine pour moi soon. This imagine is for him. Ilysm bb. I don't know what I'd do without ya. 🐷💙💛
A loud clap of thunder made me jump and broke the quietness of the almost emptiness of the Curtis' house. It was just me and Darry. For some reason, the gang wasn't here. "You alright in there beautiful?" Darry asked from the kitchen. He's making popcorn for when we watch the movie we just got. It's supposed to be so scary, that it gave Dally nightmares. I had to admit, I was a little nervous about it all. "Yeah Dare-Bear. I'm just fine." He came back in with a bowl of popcorn. "There's nothing to be scared of Jeremy. I'll be right here to protect you." I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. Darry pressed play, then put his arm around my shoulders. I snuggled into his chest, listening to his heart beat. The movie wasn't to scary at first, just a couple kissing, but after that, it got worse. Once people started getting killed, I let out a slight yelp and buried my face in Darry's muscular chest, my eyes clenched tight. Darry paused the movie. "Baby boy, it ain't gonna hurt ya. It's just a movie." Something creaked and I jumped into Darry's lap, trembling. "Jeremy, it's just Pony and Emily..." I lifted my head out if his chest to see both of them standing by the door, soaking wet. Emily smiled at me, wrung out her wet blonde hair, and walked to Pony's room, Pony following close behind. I wasn't scared for a few seconds, but that quickly changed when a bolt of lightening struck, knocking the power out. "Baby it's alright..." Darry huskily whispered in my ear, making me shiver. "I-I'm scared...." He laid me back on the couch, got up, and lit a few candles, setting them randomly around the room. By now, the room was lit by the low flickering light of the candles. I began to ease up. Darry sat back down on the couch, pulling me into his chest and laying down. I had my ear to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, slowly falling asleep. I felt Darry kiss the top of my head. "I love you Jeremy. So much." I cuddled closer, realizing that the safest place I could be, was in Darry's arms.

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