Ponyboy imagine

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I was literally working on my Tommy Howell project for school when I got the inspiration to write this imagine. So this is a little something pour moi.
I stared down at the table. For some reason the school wouldn't let us out for lunch today. Johnny, Steve, and Two-Bit were sitting at the table with me. I looked across the lunchroom at Emily, my best friend, who was sitting with some of her friends. I recognized Two-Bit's girlfriend, Dariann and wondered why she wasn't sitting with us. Then I was mesmerized by Emily. She was so beautiful with her golden blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She looked over at me and smiled her beautiful smile. My heart skipped a beat and my breath got caught in my throat. I looked away, blushing hard, and smiled down at my hands. "When are ya gonna ask her out?" Johnny asked quietly. The whole gang already knew that I dug Emily. I shrugged. "I dunno. She probably doesn't even like me." Two-Bit shook his head. "Don't say that kid. She probably digs you real good." I blushed harder. "Nah." Steve took a drink of his Pepsi and said, "Doesn't matter. He won't ask her out." I felt the tips of my ears start to burn. "I might." He cocked one eyebrow. "Do it then." Johnny looked at both of us nervously. He hated it when the gang fought. "N-now?" Steve smirked. "Yep." Two-Bit patted my back. "It's not that hard Pone." I took a deep, calming breath and made my way over to Emily's table, dodging Socs. I nervously looked back at the gang. Two-Bit gave me a thumbs up. With a sigh I kept walking. Emily was talking to one of her friends when I finally made it to the table. "He looked so cute today! The way his hair was greased back was so perfect. And his eyes!" I heard her say. I stared down at my feet and saw Dariann tap Emily's shoulder. "Uh...Emily." When she turned around and saw me her face went bright red. "H-hi Ponyboy." I gave her a slight wave. All of her friends looked at me and I got really nervous. So I started to walk back to the table. Steve was cracking up while Johnny and Two-Bit were giving me sympathetic looks. I sat down and buried my face in my arms. "I told ya he couldn't do it. You owe me five bucks." I heard Steve say and Two-Bit groan. I looked over at Emily's table and saw that she wasn't there. She was walking out the door. "Last chance, man." Two-Bit told me. I took a deep breath and stood up on the table, earning a few glares from the Socs but I ignored it. "Emily." I called out, weakly. The whole lunchroom went silent and looked at me. Emily turned around, sending a smile, which made me blush. "I-I know this is probably gonna shock you, but ever since we were kids I've liked you," I looked over at Dariann who smiled, giving me confidence, "I think I might be in love with you. Will you go out with me doll?" Emily smiled brightly. "Y-you mean it Ponyboy?" I nodded with a chuckle. "Yes. Yes Ponyboy. I will go out with you." I smiled like an idiot as everyone started clapping Two-Bit wolf whistled. Dariann whispered something to Emily and she started walking towards me. "Go get 'er Pone." Two-Bit said. I got down off the table and started walking to her. We finally reached each other in the middle of the lunchroom and hugged each other. I blushed really hard. Then Emily pulled away slightly and stared into my eyes. God, her eyes were so beautiful. Then she cupped my face in her hands and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed her back. Her lips were softer than I thought. I felt her smile and my heart pounded harder. When we broke the kiss, Emily rested her forehead against mine, her hands on my chest and mine on her hips, our eyes still closed. "See? I told ya he'd do it!" Two-Bit yelled and started cracking up. I felt Emily cup my face again and peck my lips. I wanted to melt. Then the bell rang, causing us to pull apart. "I'll see you tonight Ponyboy." Emily called as she walked out with Dariann. Two-Bit, Johnny, and I started walking to our lockers. As Johnny was getting his stuff I let out a sigh. He laughed. "Wow Pony. I've never seen you this way." I didn't answer. Not because I was ignoring him, but because I couldn't stop thinking about my first kiss with the most beautiful girl in the world.

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