Steve imagine for LaurenBlurton

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I finished wiping down the counter and started to lock up for the night. For some reason, the DX didn't get a lot of people here tonight. Usually Soda and I have a ton of girls here but, I guess with Soda not working they didn't come. Just as I started digging through my pocket for the keys, a man came on the radio and said there was a raging forest fire in Tulsa. I didn't really think about it until I saw an ambulance go racing by. For some reason, my heart started racing and I got this terrible feeling in my stomach. I took off running after the ambulance to see a raging forest fire down by the park where Lauren and I planned to hang out tonight after I got off work. Tonight was the night that I planned to tell her that I loved her for the first time. I broke out of my thoughts when I heard a terrible scream and took off running towards the embers.
"Sir you can't go any further. It's far too dangerous," one of the firefighters said, grabbing my arm and pulling me back.
I yanked my arm away from him, my heart pounding so hard I could hear it.
"You don't get it! My girlfriend's in there!"
Just as soon as I finished the sentence, two paramedics brought Lauren out on a gurney. Her curly (your hair color) hair had leaves and ashes in it, her baby blue eyes were shut tight, and her face was covered in soot. I could tell that she'd been burned badly.
I didn't even realize I had tears in my eyes until one of the guys said, "She's gonna be alright man. You can ride with them if you want."
Without thinking twice, I jumped into the back of the ambulance and we raced down to the hospital, the sirens blaring. But I couldn't hear 'em. I was numb to everything. I couldn't imagine my life without my Lauren.
I paced around the waiting room, waiting to hear Lauren's name get called.
After about 45 minutes of waiting, a blonde nurse came out.
"Lauren Blurton?"
I ran over to her, tears were streaming down my face.
"Is she alright?! When can I see her?! Tell me she's alright!"
She bit her lip before saying, "I'm afraid not. She suffered third degree burns to her limbs."
I was full on bawling by now. If only I'd gotten there a few minutes earlier. Lauren might be okay.
"Can I see her?"
"Of course. Right this way."
The nurse lead me down the hall to room 312. It was dead silent other than the steady beat of the heart monitor. It was such a relief to hear it. I slid up a chair next to her bed and gently took her hand in mine.
"H-hey Steve.." she whispered weakly.
I sniffled and wiped my eyes. I had to be strong in front of her.
"Hey baby girl. How're you feeling?"
I regretted the words as soon as they were out of my mouth.
"E-e-everything hurts..."
She seemed to be getting weaker with every word she said.
"H-h-hey... Steve... I-I gotta tell ya something.."
I leaned closer to her and kissed her hand.
"You can tell me anything baby girl," I said, fighting the tears.
"I-I-I... I you..."
As soon as she finished the sentence, her grip on my hand lessened and her head lolled to one side. I wasn't sure what happened to her until the heart monitor made one long beep.
Tears were pouring out of my eyes like a river.
"NO!!! NO LAUREN NOO!!!!!"
As I cried into her bedsheets, holding her cold, limp hand, all I could think of was... I should've done something..

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