Johnny imagine for WonderlandWinter

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I stuffed my hands in my jeans jacket pockets and sighed, thinking of Jamie. Jamie was Two-Bit's little sister and Soda's best friend. She's gorgeous with her medium length chocolate brown hair and sparkling green eyes. She's just like Ponyboy, all funny and smart. I walked into the DX to see if Ponyboy wanted to hang out later and that's when I saw Jamie leaned on the counter laughing at something. "Hey Johnnycakes!" Soda said cheerfully. Jamie looked over at me and waved, moving some of her hair out of her face. I blushed and stared at the ground in hopes to hide it as I made my way over to them. It got awkwardly quiet and my heart started pounding. Should I say something? Then Soda looked back and forth between us and said, "I'm gonna leave you two alone." Jamie shot him a look as he went into the garage with Steve. "Hi Johnny." She chirped. "H-hi." She put her hand over mine and my hands started to sweat. I wiped them against my jeans and decided that I had to take a chance. "J-Jamie?" She looked at me, her eyes full of hope. "W-would to go to the drive in w-with me sometime?" She looked at me in disbelief. "Ya mean it?" I nodded and let out a breathy laugh. "I'd love to Johnny." She grinned an I smiled down at my shoes. "W-well there's a movie playing ya wanna go see it?" She nodded. "That would be wonderful Johnny." I smiled and, feeling a sudden confidence, leaned over and kissed her cheek. Her cheeks turned bright red and we both started leaning in. Finally our lips touched and my heart pounded out of my chest. Then there was cheering. We broke the kiss, both of us blushing hard, and looked over at Soda and Steve who were cheering us on. I blushed harder and stared at the ground. "It's about time!" Soda said and put his arms around our shoulders. Jamie and I looked at each other and chuckled. God she was beautiful! I couldn't wait for tonight when I was finally going to ask her to be my girl.

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