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This is another imagine for one of my bestest friends in the whole world, Jeremy. I love you and I hope you're okay. I don't know what I'd do without you. I know what you're thinking, "Emily save the fluff for the imagine!" and that's why I love you Jeremy. Stay gold and be yourself. Who cares what anyone else thinks? I love you for who you are.💛
A cool wind blew through my jacket, making me shiver. "You cold Jeremy?" Johnny asked as he tried to light the fire to keep us warm. "Nah. I'm okay," I lied, only shivering more. He chuckled and put his jean jacket around my shoulders. "You need this more than I do Johnny," I said as I started to shrug it off my shoulders. He tilted my chin up and softly pecked my lips, instantly making me smile. He smiled too. "I'll be fine." I nodded and left the jacket on. After Johnny started the fire, he sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I snugged into his side and noticed something carved into the tree. "Johnny, what's this?" I asked, running my fingers across the letters. 'Johnny + Jeremy'. He looked at it and a smile crept up on his lips. "I carved that one night when I couldn't stop thinking about you." I blushed at this and he kisses the top of my head. "I really love you Johnny." "I love you too Jeremy." I snuggled further into his side and listened to the wind in the trees and the crackling of the fire. I didn't even realize I was falling asleep until Johnny shook me. "It's gettin' cold out Jeremy. Wanna go to Pony's?" I nodded and yawned, getting up to follow him. As soon as we opened the door, a warm rush of air greeted us, making me warm from head to toe. "Hey Johnny. Hey Jeremy," Ponyboy greeted from the kitchen and came out with a slice of cake. Just then, my best friend, Emily, came into the living room. "Pony, who was at the," she looked over at me, "JEREMY!!!!" She gave me a hug and I saw jealousy spark in Ponyboy's eyes. Pony really likes her, but he's too scared to say anything, and Emily's the same way. "Hey Em," I said hugging her back. "How're you doing?" She asked, smiling at me. "I'm doing okay," I said and felt Johnny lace his fingers through mine. Emily must've noticed because she said, "Awe you guys are so cute," making me blush and Johnny smile. "Are you guys staying the night here?" I looked over at Johnny and he looked over at Pony. "Is that alright?" "Sure." I felt Johnny squeeze my hand and I saw a smile creep up on Emily's lips. "Let's get ready!" Emily chirped, going to the closet and making a little bed for all of us on the ground. It was me and Johnny on one side and her and Pony on the other. "Who wants to play truth or dare?" Emily asked, sitting up. Everyone agreed. "I'll go first," Emily looked at all of us, "Johnny truth or dare?" He looked over at me. "Truth." "How long have you been in love with Jeremy." He blushed lightly and said, "Ever since I first met him. He's so perfect and I just can't get enough of him. He's my soulmate and my best friend." Emily immediately said, "Awwe!!!" I smiled at his answer and kissed his lips. "Alright Johnny, your turn," Emily said and shifted closer to Ponyboy, who looked really nervous. Johnny turned to him with an adorably devious smile on his face. "Ponyboy, truth or dare?" Pony gulped then looked at Emily, almo. "Dare." Johnny laughed and looked at me, winking, making my cheeks get warm. "I dare you to kiss Emily!" I fake gasped, making Emily laugh. The tips of Ponyboy's ears got really red and he looked down at his lap, biting his lip. Emily winked at me and I knew what to do. Emily and I have a kind of unspoken language that no one else understands. We just get each other. "Hey Pony," I said, getting his attention. He looked up and that's when Emily leaned in and passionately kissed him. Johnny and I howled and clapped, making them both blush more then they were already. Emily gave Johnny and I a thankful glance. Pony just looked shocked. Emily giggled as she poked his nose. "Well, I guess I broke him." We all laughed at that. Darry walked in and yelled at us for being up so late before he turned off the lights and told us to get out butts to sleep. We all laid down and started to drift off, Emily and Pony were already asleep in each other's arms. "You're so mean," I said, poking Johnny's nose. He chucked. "It was gotta happen sooner or later." "You're still bad," I joked. He smiled. "Come on. You know you love me." I pecked his lips. "I do Johnny. I do."
Sorry if that was bad. If you're following me on Instagram then you'll understand what's wrong.

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