Soda imagine for Sophie_Dallas

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I grabbed my coat, slipping it on, and carefully crept out the front door. Yesterday my mom grounded me because I missed curfew the day before since I was over at my boyfriend Soda's house. I started to pick up my pace when I saw a Mustang drive by, making my heart pound. I made it to the Curtis' porch just before the Socs got out. I sighed in relief and opened the door, the heat hitting me and making me warm up instantly. "Sophie?" I looked towards the voice and saw Soda sitting on the couch, smiling that smile that I love so much. I ran over to him, hugging him tight. "Can't...breathe..." Soda managed. I laughed and let go, him still holding my hands. "Sophie, I thought you were grounded." I sighed. "I am. But I couldn't bare to be away from you." He smiled. "Does Two-Bit know you're here?" I shook my head. "Nope." Just then the door swung open, causing me to jump. "Sophie! What are you doing here you're supposed to be grounded!" I shuddered and felt tears well up in my eyes. Two-Bit seemed really mad this time. He hardly ever yells at me. "B-but..." "But nothing! You were supposed to be home! God do you know what would've happened if those Socs woulda caught you?!" Tears were quickly streaming down my face. The worst part about this, was that Two-Bit was yelling at me in front of the whole gang. "I-I'm sorry," I whispered. "You're sorry huh? Well sorry ain't gonna cut it this time! Maybe you should just leave!" He pointed towards the door. I stood there paralyzed, starting to bawl. "Why don't you just go find dad?!" My heart shattered. My dad was a drunk and he left me and Two-Bit a long time ago. I was really sensitive about our and Two-Bit knew it. I took a quivering breath. "I'm sorry okay?!" And with that I ran out the door to the train station. I didn't care if I didn't have anything with me, I didn't want to be anywhere near my brother. After I bought the tickets, the train pulled up on the tracks and the doors opened. Just as I stepped onto the loading dock, I heard a voice yell, "Sophie! Don't go!" I turned around and saw Soda standing there. Soda's eyes were red and puffy, like he'd been crying. I walked over to him, my arms crossed over my chest. "Why shouldn't I go? My own brother hates me and doesn't want anything to do with me!" "That's not true!" I heard another voice yell. When I turned, I saw Two-Bit standing there, he looked miserable. I felt like I was gonna start crying too, just seeing him made me sorry for breaking my punishment. "Keith!" I exclaimed, running into his arms. I felt him shake from crying. "Please don't leave. I'm so sorry I said those things to you. I'm such a horrible brother." I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "You're not a horrible brother. You were worried about your kid sister is all." He tried to smile. The. The gang came running up, Pony yelling, "Don't leave!" I smiled. "I wouldn't dream of it Ponyboy." Then, to my surprise, the gang all engulfed me in a group hug. "Good. 'Cause we couldn't get along without ya."
Sorry it took so long! I'm way tired. 😅 hope you like it though.

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