Two-Bit imagine for notmydivision

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"Where are we going Two-Bit?" I asked and tried to move his hands off of my eyes. He chuckled and moved them back. "Don't worry doll, we'll be there soon." I groaned and he laughed. Two-Bit and I were watching Mickey Mouse at my house when he suggested that we go out. He still won't tell me where though. "Okay. We're here." He moved his hands and revealed The Nightly Double. I giggled and we snuck under the fence, taking our seats in the middle. "What movie are we seeing Two-Bit?" I asked and laced our fingers together. "You'll see." He replied with a smirk. I turned my attention back to the screen. A few seconds later I heard Two-Bit say, "Would ya look at that," I looked in the direction that he was pointing and saw Emily and Ponyboy two rows away from us, "So that's where Pone was going tonight." I giggled. Then the movie started playing. Turns out it was a scary movie with clowns. And Two-Bit knows how much I hate clowns. I started to shake and he put his arm around me. Halfway through the movie, I buried my face in the crook of his neck and crawled onto his lap. After the movie was finished, and I was shaking from fear, I heard Two-Bit say, "Hey Dee," I lifted my head up nervously and looked his eyes met mine, "It's just a movie. I'm here. You're okay." Then he leaned up and kissed me. I instantly relaxed and kissed him back. I felt him smile into the kiss and trace his tongue against my bottom lip. I gladly opened my mouth, letting him in. He squeezed my hips as his tongue moved around my mouth. I ran my fingers through his freshly greased hair as I traced my tongue over his and heard him groan. I smiled and we broke the kiss, both of us breathing hard, both of us blushing and smiling. He rested his forehead against mine. "I'm here Dee. Don't worry. It ain't gonna hurt ya." I smiled and kissed him again, knowing he meant every word he said.
Sorry if this one sucked Dariann. 😔

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