Darry imagine for AinsleyTheName

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Merry Christmas everyone! 🎄
As I walked down the street, a warm gust of wind blew my long blonde hair behind me. I was going to visit my boyfriend Darry and bring him up lunch. Darry and I have secretly been dating for about three months now. He told me about his gang, but I never got to meet them. I really want to, but Darry said we should keep it a secret because I'm a Soc. He was roofing a house not too far away from mine today. When I got to the house I looked up to see Darry carrying a bundle of roofing up the latter. "Darry!" He turned, smiling when he saw me, and waved. "Hey Ainsley." He walked over and kissed my cheek. "Whatcha doin' here?" I smiled and held out the lunch I made for him. "Oh, I came to see my boyfriend and give him a little surprise lunch." He smiled and picked me up, spinning me around. "I have the best girlfriend in the world," he said once he put me down. I blushed. "Awe Darry." He smirked and leaned down, kissing me softly. When we broke the kiss, I rested my forehead against his. "Curtis." I turned to see a guy who looked about in his forties standing there. "Yessir?" Darry asked, letting go of me. "We got enough guys roofin' this house. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off." Darry smiled and shook his hand. "Thank you sir. C'mon Ainsley." I smiled as he took my hand, leading me over to his Ford. "Where are we going?" I asked as he shut the driver side door behind him. He smirked. "Anywhere." I laughed as he pulled away, tires screeching. We talked until the car jerked to a stop in front of Dairy Queen. "Darry, you don't have to." "I want to spend the day with the most beautiful girl in the universe," he said as he slipped into a booth. I followed and put my hands in the middle of the table he held them, smiling. "I love you doll." "I love you too Darry." He pecked my lips then told the waitress that we would share a chocolate milkshake. After she walked away, Darry leaned across the table and kissed me again. When he pulled away he asked, "How did I get so lucky?" I laughed slightly. "How did I get so lucky? I'm sixteen remember?" He nodded. "You're still the most beautiful girl in the world." I blushed and at that moment, the waitress came back with the milkshake. Darry picked up the spoon, scooping out the cherry, and putting it in my mouth. We both smiled and started sipping on the milkshake. "Darry?" I turned to see six guys standing by the door. Darry's face turned red as they walked over to our table. "Who's this?" Dallas asked. (He already told me all their names and showed me their pictures. I just never formally met them.) "Guys, this is Ainsley. She's my girlfriend. Ainsley this is my gang." "How long have you two been dating?" Pony asked. I smiled. "About three months." Soda smiled and winked at Darry. "Alright. We'll leave you to your date." And with that they left. "No where were we?" Darry asked, talking a sip of the milkshake again, staring into my eyes.

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