Darry imagine for notmydivision

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This is an imagine for my bestie Dariann. She's an amazing writer and you guys should go check out her profile @notmydivision and request edits from her. My current profile picture is one she made. Do it for Johnny! Okay, enough of me, here it is...
I lay sprawled out on my boyfriend Darry's couch as he made breakfast for the both of us. Emily went out with Ponyboy a little while ago and it was just us in the house. The whole house smelled like chocolate and bacon. I flipped the channel to Mickey Mouse and immediately thought of my best buddy Two-Bit. "Here ya go princess," Darry said with a smile as he brought a plate with some bacon and a chocolate cupcake on it. "I knew you don't like chocolate cake, so I made cupcakes instead." I smiled and softly kissed his lips. "Thank you Darry. I love you." "I love you too princess." I smiled and watched Mickey as I ate my breakfast. "I'm so lucky." I turned to look at him. "What?" He sat up. "I'm so lucky." I smirked. "Why?" "Because you're so beautiful." "Why?" He laughed and playfully hit my shoulder. "You're beautiful because you're you Dariann." I blushed and pulled the blanket over my head. "Oh Darry. Be quiet." He pulled the blanket off of my head, brushing my hair back, staring into my eyes, making me want to melt. "I can't. You'll never stop being you so you'll never stop being beautiful." I blushed and looked down. He cupped my cheek with his hand. I looked back up at him and he started leaning in. I started leaning in too. Finally our lips met in a passionate kiss. After a few moments, we broke the kiss, both of us smiling, we laid down, me on his chest. I stared into his ice blue eyes and he kissed me again. "I love you." "I love you too princess." And we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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