Soda imagine for Sophie_Dallas

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"Another social outcast!" My brother, Two-Bit, finishes and starts cracking up. I start laughing too and open the door to the Curtis' house. "Sophie!" My boyfriend Sodapop Curtis shouts and engulfs me in a hug. "Soda!" I squeal and as soon as he puts me down he kisses me. I felt myself blush, knowing that Two-Bit was in the room, but thankfully he was too busy watching Mickey Mouse to realize what was going on. "I missed you," Soda said, hugging me tight. "I saw you yesterday," I giggled, hugging him back. "I know. But I hate to be away from you." I blushed and we both started leaning in for another kiss, just before our lips met, the Curtis' door flew open and my heart dropped to my stomach. Sandy was standing there. "Sandy, is that really you?" Soda asked nervously. She nodded, tears in her eyes. "It's really me baby." I just stood there, dumbstruck. Sandy walked over to Soda, wrapping her arms around him. "What're you doing here?" "I came back to see you Soda. I think we can give us another chance." He looked over at me. "I-I don't know. I don't know who to choose." I felt tears coming on and I ran outside, sitting down on the back porch, crying into my sleeve. A few seconds later the door opened and whoever it was put their arm around my shoulders. "Sophie? You alright?" It was Two-Bit. I shook my head and felt a tear slide down my cheek. "No. W-why'd she have to come back. Now Soda's gonna leave me." "I'd never leave you baby." I turned around to see Soda standing there smiling. "Soda?" I asked quietly, unable to say anything else. He chuckled and Two-Bit said, "I'm gonna go inside and let you guys talk." He kissed my head as he got up and walked inside the house. Soda sat down in his place. "Shouldn't you be in there with Sandy?" I asked, a little more bitterly then I should've. "Why would I want to be in there with her? You're my girlfriend after all. I'd be stupid to leave you." I smiled and wiped my eyes off, sniffling slightly. I thought I heard Soda say, "I love you," but I must've heard him wrong. I turned to face him. He looked really nervous. "W-what?" He looked out at the setting sun and chuckled slightly. "I said I love you Sophie." My heart skipped a beat and my stomach filled with butterflies. "I-I love you too Soda." He smiled and brushed a piece of my curly blonde hair behind my ear, gazing longingly into my hazel eyes. Then he leaned foreword and kissed me just as the sun dipped under the horizon.

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