The perfect way to end summer

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This is a thank you imagine for OutsidersObsessed, who is writing an imagine for my best friend and I and this is also a get well imagine for notmydivision. This is my first attempt at writing a multi relationship imagine. I hope you guys like it.
"What do you think of this?" Dariann asked and held up a black t-shirt. We were getting new clothes for school which started in two days. "Cute. Go try it on." Emily responded. Dariann shuffled into the dressing room to change while Emily and I sat and talked. "What do ya think of Dariann, Katy?" I nodded. "She's really funny. I'm glad you introduced us." Emily's cheeks got the slightest shade of pink when she looked behind us, in her own little world. As usual. When Dariann stepped out of the dressing room, there was whistling from behind us, causing all of us to turn around. The whistling was coming from a guy with rusty colored sideburns, Two-Bit Mathews. Standing with him was a boy with reddish-brown hair and greenish-gray eyes, Ponyboy Curtis was his name. Emily's eyes were immediately drawn to Pony and her cheeks turned a dark pink. When he looked up at her the tips of his ears got red and his eyes went wide. Emily giggled slightly and twisted a piece if her golden blonde hair around her finger, that habit she always had that drove boys wild. My eyes went wide when Pony's brother, Sodapop Curtis came running up from one of the aisles, carrying a plaid button up. I always had a crush on Soda, what girl didn't? But, I don't think he'd ever go for a girl like me. Soda shot me one of his movie star grins causing me to feel butterflies. Dariann snapped her fingers. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." We all laughed. "That's Dariann for ya." Emily chirped, not taking her eyes off of Pony, who was blushing really hard now. Two-Bit jutted his chin to Dariann. "She's cute," he went over to talk to her, "hey doll." I tuned them out and looked over at Emily and Pony. "Hey. I'm Emily. What's your name." Ponyboy looked at the ground, embarrassed. "Ponyboy Curtis." Emily smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey," Pony looked up at her, "I love your name." Emily and Ponyboy both blushed as they walked over to the window talking about the sunset. "Awe! My little brother's becoming a man." Soda said from behind me, making me jump. "Yeah it's really sweet." "Ya know, Pone's never had a girlfriend before. He's usually too nervous around girls." I looked over at him. "What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" He looked at the ground and shook his head, making my heart skip a beat. "Do you have a boyfriend Katy?" I looked away. "Nah. Just haven't found the right guy." He smiled. "You dig okay." I blushed and looked at the ground. "Hey Soda, can we take the girls to get some ice cream?" Two-Bit asked as he walked over to us, Dariann walking behind him. Soda nodded. Soda looked over at Ponyboy and Emily. He kept moving his hand like he was going to hold Emily's. After a few seconds he managed to lace his finger around hers. "Awe! Does Pony have a crush?" Two-Bit yelled, making them both blush and jump apart. Dariann erupted into laughter and gave Two-Bit a high-five. Ponyboy stuffed his hands in his pockets, looking embarrassed. Emily did the same. "Come on. We're gonna get some ice cream." Soda said and put his arm around Pony's shoulders. He shot his brother a thankful smile. Then we walked to Dairy Queen.
We all sat at separate tables after we got our ice cream. Soda and I decided to share a chocolate milkshake. "For you m'lady." He said with a breathtaking smile as he handed me a straw. I smiled as I sipped some up and stared into Soda's gorgeous eyes. The moment got ruined when Dariann and Two-Bit started laughing because they'd just hit a waitress with a straw wrapper. My heart skipped a beat when Soda took my hand. "Can I tell ya something Katy?" I nodded. "You're the most beautiful girl in the world. I just never had the guts to tell ya." I blushed really hard. Soda cupped my face in his hands and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled and kissed him back. When we broke apart I rested my forehead against his. "Will you be my girl Katy?" I pecked his lips. "I would love to Soda." I felt him smile. Then we broke apart and looked over at Pony and Emily. They were both sitting side-by-side finishing their chocolate sundaes. When they finished, Ponyboy took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders, causing Emily to blush. Then their eyes met and they slowly started leaning in, blush on both if their faces. Finally their lips met. They both jumped apart, looking at each other out of the corner of their eyes. Then Pony put his arm around Emily and when Emily looked up at Pony he leaned down and kissed her, causing Dariann and Two-Bit to cheer and Soda and I to clap. When they broke apart Emily stroked his face. We all hung out until it started to get late. The boys walked us to Emily's house, where we were all spending the night. Soda gave me a sweet kiss on the lips after he said goodbye, Ponyboy gave Emily a shy peck on the lips, and Two-Bit gave Dariann a passionate kiss. As they started to walk down the street all I could think of was Sodapop Curtis is my boyfriend, I'm spending time with two of my best friends, this is the perfect end to summer.

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