Two-Bit imagine for AESEIM8

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"C'mon Ella! Let's ride this one!" my boyfriend Two-Bit yelled as he went running off towards one of the rides. For my birthday, my parents bought me two weekend passes to Disney World since I'm so obsessed with Mickey Mouse. I decided to take Two-Bit along since he's just as crazy about Mickey as I am. I guess I was walking too slow because Two-Bit ran back and picked me up, giving me a piggy back ride to one of the rides. I was laughing by the time he stopped. "What's so funny?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow like he always does when he's confused about something. "You," I said, after I stopped giggling. "Me? What about me?" "You're such a kid." He laughed and we got on the ride, it was scary at first, but after a while, I relaxed and screamed until it stopped. When Two-Bit and I got off, it, we were both laughing at our faces in the picture. "Look at my hair," I whined. "You look beautiful as always Minnie Mouse," he told me, pecking my lips. I felt my cheeks heat up. Then, outa nowhere, Two-Bit asked, "You know what's coming up?" "No...what?" "The fireworks! Now come on before we miss it!" He carried me all the way to the castle, running faster than he had when hurried me to the ride. "What's the rush Keith?" I asked, giggling slightly. "You'll see," he said, setting me down next to him. I gave him a questioning look but watched. Colors filled the sky in all kinds of patterns. It was really pretty. Just when I thought it was over, a huge burst of different colored fireworks exploded in the sky, spelling out Marry me Ella. When I turned to ask Two-Bit what was happening, I saw that he was down on one knee, a small black box in his hand. "Ella, you make me the happiest man in the world. Thanks to you, I can always smile without trying. I love you more than anything in the world. Will you do me the honor, of marrying me and being my wife?" I couldn't stop the tears that were spilling down my cheeks. "Yes," I whispered. "Yes! Yes! Of course I will!" Everyone around us started clapping as I jumped into Two-Bit's arms. We hugged for a little while, but then we pulled apart and shared the most passionate kiss we've ever shared. When we broke it, he slipped the ring on my finger. It was a gold ring with a Mickey Mouse head on it that was made of diamonds. I looked back up at Two-Bit and smiled before kissing him again. I guess what Walt Disney said about fairytales was actually true. There are real life fairytales. And my love with Two-Bit, is the best fairytale in the world.

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