Darry imagine for OutsidersObsessed_

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Thanks for the amazing imagine Katy. It really made me feel better. Hope this one makes you feel better too.
I stood at the stove, cracking eggs into a pan. I was making breakfast while my boyfriend, Darry, was asleep. Soda and Steve went to work a while ago and Emily came over to take Ponyboy to school. Today was Darry's day off. He doesn't get them very often, but when he does, he likes to spend them with me, that's exactly what he's done since we were high school sweethearts. I felt kind of funny this morning but I didn't want to say anything and ruin my day with Darry. My thoughts were interrupted by a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist and a pair of lips on my neck. "Mornin' babe. Whatcha makin'?" I giggled and moved the eggs around in the pan. "Eggs." "Mmm sounds good." I laughed again and started to put the eggs, waffles, and bacon onto a plate, when the burning in my throat was a little more noticeable. I coughed into the bend of my arm. After I did, the burning got worse. "You okay Katy?" Darry asked, putting a forkful of eggs in his mouth. I nodded and cleared my throat, thinking it would go away. It didn't. I sat down at the table and brushed a piece of my chocolate brown hair behind my ear. "Yeah, I'm fine." Darry didn't look convinced, but he went along with it. I stared down at my eggs, but I couldn't eat due to how sore my throat was, so I just gave them to Darry. "You sure you're alright Katy-Kat?" I nodded and started to clear the table, running the water and starting to scrub the dishes. "Do you want some help?" Darry asked, coming over to me. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. Even though the water was freezing cold coming out of the faucet, it was burning up in the room. I wiped some of the sweat off of my forehead with my elbow. Darry must've noticed because he put a cold hand on my forehead. "Katy you feel hot. You sure you're okay?" By now every part of my body hurt and I just wanted to crawl back into bed, but I didn't tell Darry, instead I just stood there, scrubbing the dishes. He took both of my hands in his, ignoring the soap. "Come on Katy. Let's get you to bed. I didn't fight him, instead I let him pick me up bridal style and carry me into his room, laying me down on his bed. He went to the bathroom and came back a few minutes later with some medicine and a wet towel, which he laid over my eyes after I took the medicine. Then I felt him lay down next to me, stroking my hair. "I love you," he said for the first time. I felt my eyes widen. He shifted so he was laying on his back. "Guess that wasn't the best time to tell ya, considering you can't talk." I smiled and felt him softly kiss my forehead. "Go to sleep Katy. You'll feel better." I slowly drifted off to sleep with the love of my life holding me close.

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