Steve imagine for LaurenBlurton

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This may have a slight trigger warning.
"Hurry up! We gotta get the bullet out!" Was all I heard as I was being rushed into the operating room. I don't even know what happened, just that I was shooting and I felt a stinging pain in my chest. The doctors lifted me up onto the operating table and that's when everything went black...

~Steve's POV~
I was sitting in the Curtis house numbly watching tv. Ever since my girlfriend Lauren went into the Marine Corps things haven't been the same. The phone started ringing, but I didn't get it.
"Hello?" Darry asked as he picked up the phone. "She is?! Okay we'll be right there!"
My heart started pounding as he hung up. When he looked at us, he was pale and looked like he was about to be sick.
"Dare? What's wro-"
"Steve, Lauren's been shot in the chest. She's at the hospital here and they don't know if she's gonna make it. They told us that we should go see her."
We all climbed into the Curtis' Ford and flew down to the hospital. My heart was racing and I was sure I was gonna be sick at any moment.
"L-Lauren Blurton?" I nervously asked as I got to the desk.
"She's in surgery right now. You can see her once she's out," the nurse said, sounding a bit upset.
I nodded and took my seat just as Soda, Darry, and Ponyboy came rushing in behind me.
"Is she doing okay?" Darry asked, out of breath.
I shook my head.
"She's in surgery Dare. They don't know if she's gonna make it. The nurse said we have to wait here until she gets out."
They sat down next to me and we all waited for someone to come get us. The only sound in the waiting room was the clock ticking.
"Miss Blurton?" a nurse finally called out.
All of us stood up on cue.
"How is she? Can we see her?" I frantically asked, a fresh set of tears threatening to fall.
"She's in a room now. You can see her if you'd like."
We followed her down a long silent hallway to a dark room at the end of the hall. When I walked in and the sight I saw was the worst one I've ever seen. Lauren was laying there with bandages over her chest and severe burn marks all over her body. I started crying all over again. I was sure she was dead.
"She's alive. She's just coming off of the sedatives," the nurse informed, checking over her.
After she finished, the nurse left, leaving just me in the room. I knelt by the bed and took Lauren's hand.
"Hey beautiful. S-so you got hurt huh?" I was crying by now. "I hate it that I wasn't there to help you."
I wiped my eyes and kissed her cheek.
"I don't know if this is a good time to ask you this," I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring I've been carrying around since Lauren went into the Marine Corps.
I was planning on proposing to her when she got back home and we could start a family together.
"W-will you marry me Lauren?" I asked shakily.
Her eyes slowly opened and she muttered out a quiet "yes".
I was bawling like crazy as she started to tell me that everything was gonna be okay. After I finally calmed down, I slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her gently.
"I feel like a princess," she said, gazing at the ring.
"And we're gonna live happily after ever," I told her, staring into her beautiful baby blue eyes.
Sorry this wasn't exactly what you wanted. I just didn't know how to make what you wanted be a continuation of the last imagine I wrote you. I hope you like it though.

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