Ponyboy imagine for once_upon_a_time13

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"Thanks for inviting me to watch the sunset with you Pony. It's gorgeous," Bella told me, her green eyes fixed on the sky.
"It isn't as beautiful as you," I said, feeling a blush creep up on my face.
Bella snuggled closer into me, not taking her eyes off the sunset. Golly she looked beautiful. The remaining sunlight shone off of her chocolate brown hair and highlighted her every feature. She almost looked like an angel.
"What?" she asked, breaking me from my trance.
"Y-you just look... so beautiful today.." I nervously stuttered, making a blush dust across her cheeks.
We both slowly started leaning in until our lips met in a sweet kiss. My heart was racing and I'm sure my face was bright red, but I didn't care. I was having my first kiss with the most beautiful girl in the world. When we broke the kiss, both of us couldn't stop smiling.
"I-I love you Bella..." I whispered nervously, hoping she'd say it back.

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