Dally imagine for lyrics_of_the_fallen

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Let me just explain this guys, when you message me to request an imagine, it is okay to talk to me, but tell me your request and include ALL the things I need to write it. Another thing, I DO NOT WRITE SMUT. If you request a smut imagine, I won't do it and I won't write imagines for you in the future. I don't mean to be rude guys, but I'm just trying to get my point across. Okay, enough from me. Here's Lyric's imagine.
"I don't know if you should be here Lyric," my other brother Darry said for the millionth time.
"Darry, I'll be fine. I've fought before. Plus, you're letting Ponyboy fight."
Darry looked over at my twin and shook his head.
"You got me there. But if you get in trouble-"
"Just yell for you," I interrupted with a smile. "You've told me all this before."
"I don't see how you're Pony's sister. You use your head," he chuckled, ruffling my hair.
I didn't care about how I looked until I saw Dallas and Johnny walk up. My heart began to pound against the inside of my chest and I felt myself get a bit shaky. I've had a crush on Dallas ever since he was thirteen and I was ten. My brother's had no idea... Well, except for Soda.
"When's Shepard's outfit getting here?" Dally asked, taking a hit off his cigarette.
I gulped as I nervously stuttered out, "S-soon I hope. I'm tired of their crap."
I crossed my arms and tried to look mad, but I guess I Dally saw through my act because he chuckled.
"What Winston?"
"Nothing. Just... Nothing."
He walked over to join my brothers in the line as Tim and his gang began to show up.
Punches were thrown, and the last thing I remembered was Dally picking me up, kissing me gently, and stroking my hair.
"It's okay Lyric... Nothing's gonna happen as long as I gotcha."
And from that day on, Dallas kept his promise. I never doubted him once

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