Ponyboy imagine for amandalumos

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Sorry this took so long! I've had a lot of stuff to do at school. Requests are still open to those of you who are wondering if they are. You guys need to read the story description to find out all the stuff I need to know. DO NOT COMMENT YOUR REQUESTS! I'll try to update on days that I don't have a lot of work to do. Without further ado, here's the imagine.
Ponyboy and I were walking side by side. We'd just gotten back from watching a movie at the movie house. It was a pretty cold night. So cold, that every time I breathed, I could see my breath. I didn't even realize I was shivering until Pony said, "Hey Amanda, you cold?" I was wearing a sweater and jeans, not the warmest, but I didn't think it was gonna get this cold tonight. "Y-yeah...a-a little," I stuttered, my teeth chattering. Ponyboy took off his jacket and put it around my arms. I instantly tried to shrug it off. "Ponyboy, I don't want you to get cold." He caught the jacket and put it back around me. I looked up in his mesmerizing green-gray eyes and felt butterflies in my stomach. "I ain't gonna get cold. Besides, you need it more than me." For the slightest second, I thought he was gonna kiss me. But then a cherry red Corvair pulled up next to us. "Hey beautiful! Whatcha doin' with a greaseball like him huh?" I felt my drop to my stomach, but I had to stay tuff. "That's none of your business," I spat back. Pony grabbed my hand and we ducked into the lot. When that Corviar drove by, I sighed in relief. "They didn't hurt ya did they?" Pony asked, looking me all over to make sure I was okay. "Yeah, they didn't even touch me." Thankfully they didn't. I've seen what the Socs can do to a grease like me. Pony knelt down and started building a fire while I relaxed on the seat. Once he got it started, he sat down next to me. We smiled at each other, then looked up at the millions of stars filling up the darkened night sky. Stars were usually hard to see, but not tonight. "Wow...it's beautiful..." I said in awe. "Not as beautiful as you Amanda," I heard Pony say, making my cheeks get hot. "W-what?" I asked, looking over at him. The tips of his ears were bright red and he gulped. "Uh...I um..." I cupped his cheeks, getting a sudden rush of confidence, and kissed him passionately. I felt sparks on every inch of my body and his lips were so soft. When we broke the kiss, he had his eyes closed and his lips still puckered. I giggled. It was his first time kissing a girl. When he opened his green-gray eyes again, they were sparking like I've never seen them before. "W-what was that for?" he asked, shakily. "I-I just wanted to." He leaned foreword and connected our lips again. After we broke that kiss, both of us were smiling. "Be my girl," he told me, blushing hard. "I thought you'd never ask," I replied, a huge smile on my face, and kissed him again.

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