Darry imagine for outsiderswrites14

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I hope you like this imagine Jeremy. I might be a bit rusty since it's been a while since I've written one. I love you so much. I hope you're doing better❤️
I walked up onto the Curtis' porch, the familiar smell of chocolate cake instantly filling the air and making a smile show my lips. Drawing a nervous breath, I opened the door and walked inside.
"Hey Jeremy. Pony's not home if you're looking for him. He went out with-"
"Emily. I know. She wouldn't shut up about it." I chuckled and sat down on the end of the couch, the one closest to Darry.
His gentle chuckle filled my ears followed by him flipping the page in today's newspaper. As he was reading, it gave me the perfect opportunity to get a good look at how handsome he was. His hair was slicked back perfectly and the tight black t-shirt that he was wearing showed off every inch of muscle he had.
He must've noticed my staring because his lips curled into a smirk.
"Whatcha looking at there Jeremy?"
I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked away so he couldn't tell how hard I was blushing.
"N-nothing..." I shifted a bit and heard the oven's timer go off.
"That'd be the chocolate cake. I had to make a new one since Steve and Two-Bit ate all of the last one." Darry chuckled as he stood up and walked into the kitchen, giving me just enough time to check the rest of him out.
After I heard the oven door close, I walked in, hopping up on the counter.
"Kinda weird huh? It just being the two of us here?" I asked, looking around and enjoying the unusual quietness.
Darry leaned against the counter next to me. "It's real nice."
When I looked back at him, our eyes met and I felt electricity run through every inch of my body. His fingers slowly caressed my warm cheek, and when I blushed harder, I saw Darry smile.
"Jeremy, what's the real reason you came here?" he asked, cocking one eyebrow.
I felt my heart begin to pound against the inside of my chest. Before I could even respond, I felt a pair of lips brush against mine. I smiled once our lips parted, but kissed back softly when they attached to mine again in a soft, but passionate kiss. When we both drew back for air, Darry rested his forehead against mine, a smile tugging on both our lips.
"D-Darry I-"
"Shh," he pecked my lips. "Don't say anything beautiful. Just enjoy the moment." His voice sent chills down my spine.
After a couple moments he looked into my eyes, his one hand resting on my upper thigh and the other caressing my cheek.
"Jeremy, would you be mine?"
"I wouldn't have it any other way." I smirked and leaned in to kiss his neck softly

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