Ponyboy imagine for Theoutsidersluv2

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Sorry this is kinda late. I've been real booked with school and my own social problems. I hope you like it.
I set my books down on the table, taking my book bag off my shoulders, and sat down at one of the tables. I was assigned a ten page book report on a book called Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. It shouldn't be too hard. As soon as I read the book, I fell in love. As I started to write, someone sat at the table across from me. I looked up at him slightly and saw that it was Ponyboy Curtis. Pony was in almost all of my classes and I had the hugest crush on him. No one knew though, not even my closest friends. He met my gaze and smiled. "Hi Gracie." I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "H-hi Ponyboy." He looked at my book and smiled. "You're reading Gone with the Wind? I love Gone with the Wind." "We're doing a project on it for my class. I'm just having a little trouble writing a paper about it." Ponyboy read over the assignment and helped me start the paper. I was having such a good time talking to him that I didn't even realize what time it was. "I am so sorry Ponyboy! I have to go!" He stood up with me and walked me out. "Hey Gracie, wanna catch a movie at the Nightly Double with me later?" I nodded, making him smile and the tips of his ears go red. "I'd love to!" "Great! I'll see ya tonight." He leaned over and kissed my cheek, making my face go bright red, and him to chuckle. "I can't wait," he said with a smile.
Sorry if that sucked....😔

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