Johnny imagine for outsiderswrites14

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My heart was pounding as I walked alongside my longtime best friend, Johnny Cade. I've had a crush on Johnny ever since we were kids. And when I was leaned up against my locker yesterday at school Johnny walked over to me and leaned against the locker next to mine. He seemed even more nervous than usual. He was visibly shaking! That's when he asked if I wanted to go to the movies. My heart fluttering a mile a minute, I said yes.
"W-want some popcorn or something J-Jeremy?" Johnny stuttered, looking down at his dirty black converse.
"We'll share some," I said with a smile, having an idea.
Johnny left to get the popcorn, leaving me to watch the movie. It was some horror movie. I knew Johnny was spooked by scary movies, so why would he take me to one on our first date?
Johnny came back a few minutes later, carrying two Cokes and a bucket of popcorn. I noticed that he was shaking while he handed my Coke to me. He was so cute when he was nervous.
"Thanks Johnny," I said, sending him a sweet smile.
I saw a deep blush dust his face and he looked down at his lap, playing with his hands. As the movie continued to play, I scooted closer to Johnny until my shoulder was touching his. Then, during one of the scariest scenes, we both reached into the popcorn bucket at the same time and our hands touched, making my cheeks heat up. Neither of us moved. We just sat there holding hands in the popcorn bucket. Even after the movie was over and we walked back to the Curtis' our fingers were still intertwined.
Just as I was about to walk in, Johnny said, "J-Jeremy wait!"
I turned around to face him, my heart was pounding so hard that I bet Johnny could've heard it.
"What is it Johnny?"
There was an awkward silence for a bit, but I wasn't expecting what happened after that. Johnny slowly leaned in until he touched his soft lips against mine. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before he broke it.
"Sorry Jeremy! I-I've just always wanted to kiss you," he said sheepishly, making me smile even more.
I leaned over and connected our lips together, this time, keeping them there for longer. I loved every second of it.
After a few minutes of kissing, Johnny and I walked back inside, greeted by my giggling best friend and her boyfriend Ponyboy on the couch.
"You getting some out there Johnny?" Pony asked, making Johnny's face turn a shade of red that I didn't even think was possible.
"Says the kid whose neck and chest are covered in hickeys," I shot back, making both Pony and his girlfriend turn red.
"Touché," Emily said quietly, pulling the blanket up closer around her neck.
Feeling rather pleased with myself, I sat down on the couch, Johnny sitting down next to me afterwards.
Johnny and I spent time watching a romance movie with Emily and Pony and stealing kisses for the rest of the night, until we both fell asleep, cuddling on the couch.

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