Pony imagine for iwillstaygold

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I was sitting at my desk, painting a picture of the sunset that was visible from my bedroom window, when my big brother Dally yelled, "Sapphire! Pony's here to see you!" My heart skipped a beat. Ponyboy Curtis was my best friend, but I've had a crush on him since we were little kids. I've never told him though. Dally would skin him. "Coming!" I yelled back, setting my paintbrush on the paper towel. I quickly ran down the stairs, but stopped when I heard my brother and Pony talking about me. "Can I take her out on a date Dal? Please...I love her so much..." My heart skipped a beat. Ponyboy Curtis loves me! "What're you gonna do with her?" Dally asked sharply. I crossed my fingers, silently praying that whatever Pony said would be okay in Dally's eyes. "I'm gonna treat her like a queen. I'd do anything for her." I felt myself smile and my cheeks get warmer. That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said about me. "I guess you can. But if you hurt her, I'll skin ya. Understand?" By this time, I was at the bottom of the stairs. Dally was looking at Pony, like he expected him to do something, while Pony just sat there, looking mortified. "Wellup Ponyboy, don't ya have something you'd like to say to Sapphire?" I saw him gulp. He kept wiping his hands on his jeans nervously. He was just too cute. "S-Sapphire...I-I was wondering, if you'd like to go see a movie with me...it's okay if you don't...I can always-" "Yes," I interrupted. "I'd love to Ponyboy." He grinned at his lap, blushing hard. He obviously wasn't expecting me to say yes. When he looked back up at me, he met my eyes. This time it was my cheeks turning red. "Wanna go see Gone with the Wind with me tonight?" I looked over at Dally, who was leaned back in his chair, grinning. "Of course! It sounds like a lot of fun!" Pony got up off of the couch. "Great! I'll pick you up at six!" "It's a date," I said, waving, as he walked out the door. I watched him walk down the street, feeling butterflies when he turned back around and blew me a kiss. When he was out of sight, I ran back up to my room to get ready. I couldn't wait for tonight.

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