Ponyboy imagine for yoyo4427

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Pony, Johnny and I were walking home from The Nightly Double drive in. As we walked passed Johnny's house, we heard his parents screaming. Johnny came walking back with a sickened expression on his face. He hated it when his parents fought. Especially because you could hear it up and down the street. "C'mon. Let's go to the lot," Johnny said, looking down at his worn out converse. Pony and I followed Johnny to the lot where Pony started to make a fire to keep us warm. I gazed into the orange flame and felt my eyelids get heavy. That's when I felt myself start to drift off to sleep.
I woke up to someone shaking me. "Stephany! Shephany! Get up!" I slowly opened my eyelids and saw Johnny shaking me awake. Ponyboy was pacing back and forth, a worried expression on his face. "Man what time is it?" I yawned. "I don't know. I fell asleep too. You and Pony better get back home before Darry gets mad." With the mention of Darry getting mad, I sprang to my feet. Pony and I started walking back to his house. The whole time we did, Pony kept whispering "man what's Darry gonna say." I have to admit, my heart was pounding against the inside of my chest. And it wasn't just because I was alone with Ponyboy, it was because I knew Pony was gonna get scolded something fierce. Pony and I both flew up the stairs and quietly opened the door, neither of us looking up. "Where the hell have you been?!" Darry asked, throwing his newspaper down on the table. I saw Pony tear up and felt my heart rate quicken. "We were hanging out with Johnny and we fell asleep in the lot." "You what?!" Pony walked into the bathroom and started washing his face. "We were talking with Johnny and we fell asleep in the lot. I didn't mean to." I saw rage flash in Darry's eyes and I decided I had to do something. "Darry, Johnny's parents were arguing again and Pony and I decided to stay with him to make sure he was alright. He was pretty shook up about it this time." My heart was racing by now. But I calmed down once I saw Darry's eyes soften. He ruffles Pony's hair. "I'm sorry little buddy. Don't let it happen again alright?" He walked up the hall to his bedroom and closed the door. Pony and Soda both were staring at me like they couldn't believe what happened. I felt my cheeks heat up. "Wow Steph... Darry never just eases up on Pony like that." "Well, I figured maybe it's time that he did." Then the unexpected happened. Pony leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Thanks Steph. Who knows what woulda happened if you wouldn't have stepped in." It was the truth. But I had a feeling in my heart that it would have been horrible

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