Always: Two-Bit imagine for notmydivision

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I pulled Emily's favorite light blue blanket up by my neck and rested my head on my knuckles. It was 1:15 AM and Two-Bit still wasn't back at the Curtis'. Emily and Pony were curled up on the other couch, his arm around her waist and her head in the crook of his neck. "I'm sure he'll be back soon Dariann. Don't worry." I sighed. "I just don't know what to do with him anymore Em." Ponyboy let out a loud snore causing both of us to look at him and crack up. "I guess I should take him to bed." I cleared my throat and when Emily looked back at me I wiggled my eyebrows. She turned bright red. "Shut up Dee." Emily shook Pony lightly. "Pone." He squirmed a little but was still asleep. "You're not gonna be able to wake him up Emily." She crossed her arms. "Is that a bet?" I laughed and nodded. "Watch." She whispered and crawled on Ponyboy's lap, sitting so her legs were on either sides of his. Then she cupped his face in her hands, "wake up sweetie pie," then she smashed her lips against his. Ponyboy opened his eyes wide, seeing Emily kiss him, then closed them again and kissed her back passionately. Emily pulled away and traced a heart over his. "Wanna go to bed?" She asked in a flirty tone that I've never heard before and winked. The tips of Ponyboy's ears got really red and he nodded his head like an idiot. Emily laughed, pulling him up with her and walked down the hall to Pony's bedroom. After hearing the door shut, I sighed and stared back at the tv, remembering how Two-Bit and I used to do stuff like that. We used to be so happy and now he's hardly alone with me. The door slammed open and Soda and Steve came in carrying a VERY drunk Two-Bit. "Oh god." I said, sitting up a little. "Dariann don't be mad, but he went to that party at Bucks. We told him not to go but he didn't listen. Dal finally called us and told us to come get him." "D-Dariann. I h-have a girlfriend named Dariann." Two-Bit hiccuped. I rolled my eyes. Two-Bit then turned to Soda and ran his fingers through Soda's greasy hair. "You're awful perty Soda baby." Steve and I could hardly contain our laughter. Pony came out of his room seconds later without a shirt on, his reddish-brown hair messed up, and Emily's pearl pink lipstick dotting his face. "Could ya be quiet? Emily and I are trying so sleep." As Ponyboy walked back into his room Steve yelled, "Sure ya are! Just make sure not to wet the bed like ya did before." I cracked up and I thought I heard Emily laughing too. Then I heard a loud thud and turned to see Two-Bit passed out on the ground. Soda went to go into his and Pony's room but Steve stopped him. "Ya sure ya wanna go in there?" Soda took his hand away from the doorknob and walked back to the living room, where we all slowly drifted off to sleep.
I woke up to the sound of someone moaning. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Two-Bit on the ground clutching his head. "Who turned on the sun?" He groaned. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen for a Coke. When I walked back into the living room Two-Bit tried to give me a hug, which I backed away from. "What's wrong babe?" I shook my head. "What's wrong? What's wrong Keith? You're what's wrong! Staying out 'till 2 o'clock in the damn morning drinking your ass off. And not telling me where you were. That's what's wrong." "Maybe I wouldn't have to stay out if I didn't have to deal with all your goddamn problems Dariann." Tears stung my eyes. "You're such an asshole! Maybe I wouldn't have so many goddamn problems if you would quit bumming off of me all the time!" I was raising my voice now. I didn't care if all of Tulsa heard me. "If I quit bummin' around huh? Well what about you? Ya got no damn friends other than a fourteen-year-old kid." "Oh go fuck yourself!" I yelled and ran out the door. I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't be there.
I just stood there after she left. I was sobering up now and I couldn't believe I said those things to her. Emily stormed out of Pony's room, putting on one of his hoodies, and over to me. "Don't you ever talk to her like that again! I don't care if you were drunk off your ass. You're lucky I don't skin you right here!" She slapped me and took off out the door. Seconds later Ponyboy walked out and we started to talk.
I sat down on the car seat in the lot, tears streaming down my face, when I heard leaves crunch behind me. I flicked out my switchblade, but put it away when I saw that it was only Emily. She sat down next to me and put her arm around me. "He didn't mean it Dariann. He didn't mean it." She kept telling me as I cried into her shirt. After a few minutes I started to calm down. That's when I noticed the hickeys trailing down her neck. "Did Ponyboy do that?" I asked. She blushed really hard and played with the string on Pony's hoodie. "Yeah." "Damn. He gotcha good." She blushed harder and stared at the ground. "Dariann?" We both turned to see Two-Bit and Ponyboy standing there. "I'm gonna let you guys talk." Emily said as she walked out hand in hand with Ponyboy. Two-Bit sat down next to me. "Dariann listen. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I didn't mean it. I was drunk. Hell, if it meant you being my girl again I'd never touch another drop." I looked up at him and saw that his beautiful gray eyes were stormy. "Really?" I asked as two tears dropped onto my jeans. He tilted my chin up and wiped my eyes. "I mean it. I'd give up Mickey for ya." I laughed. "That wouldn't last." He chuckled. "Yeah, maybe not but my love for you will." I blushed. "Oh Keith." He smirked and brushed his lips against mine. I knew this was forever. Always.

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