Johnny imagine for itsemmy5

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I was walking home one warm night, kicking a rock and humming to myself. I had just gotten back from walking Johnny to his house. Johnny. Even his name was adorable. Just the thought of him brought a dark blush to my face. Johnny and I have been friends ever since we were little and over the years I started having a crush on him. But I never told him how I felt. He had too much to worry about with his rough home life and everything. As I started walking through the park, which was a shortcut I used to avoid the Socs, I heard a very faint whimpering coming from behind the fountain. As I got closer, it started getting louder.
"Hello?" I asked cautiously, peeking around the base of the fountain.
To my horror, behind the fountain lay a badly beaten Johnny. He was curled up in a ball and was bleeding from a few cuts on his arms. I was almost sick from what I saw.
"Johnny," I managed, sinking to my knees to pull him to my chest.
"Emmy?" he asked weakly, barely even opening his eyes to see if it was me.
"Yeah it's me. Now shh I'm gonna fix this up."
But he didn't listen to me. He started telling me how he was out here, planning to meet me when a group of Socs came by and beat him up. The story bright tears to my eyes.
After I finished wrapping up his cuts, I asked, "Johnny why did you wanna see me?"
He was perking up by now so I held his head in my lap and stroked his hair. That's when I noticed the dark red blush on his tanned cheeks.
"I-I wanted to tell ya something Emmy..."
"Yeah?" I asked, my heart pounding in my chest.
"I-I really... Really like you Emmy.. I-I have for a while now.."
My heart stopped and my cheeks probably turned fifty shades redder after I heard that.
"Y-you like me?!"
"Yeah. It's alright if you don't like me ba-"
"Johnny I do like you. I have since we were both little kids."
This made him smile that smile that I love so much.
"S-since you like me too.. Will you be my girl Emmy?"
"I'd love to," I said, smiling.
We both stayed that way for the rest of the night, his head in my lap, and for the first time in a long while, I was actually seeing Johnny Cade smile

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