Dally Imagine For Tobleedgrease

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Beka requested this imagine last night. (Thanks for that BTW) I'm not so good with doing Dally imagines but I hope it's okay.
I sat down on the Curtis' couch with my beautiful girlfriend, Beka, next to me. She was spinning my ring around her finger. "Hey Dal?" She asked without looking up. "Yeah?" "What do ya wanna do today?" "Nothin' legal man." She giggled, making me smile. I know a Winston's not supposed to love, but lately I've been thinking that I love her. Normally, I don't stick to a broad for very long, but Beka's different. She's got long black hair, bright blue eyes, and a beautiful smile. My favorite thing about her is how she's not afraid to hold up a gas station or go to a rumble. She's just like me. I've never met another girl like her. I think that's why I love her. "It's getting kinda dark. Wanna go see that movie at The Nightly Double?" She nodded and we headed out.
We sat down in the middle. I put my arm around Beka and she laid her head on my shoulder. A few minutes into the movie I said, "I'll be right back," and went to get us cokes. When I got back I saw two Socs flirting with her. "Lay off!" I yelled and flicked out my blade. The Socs grabbed Beka, holding a blade against her neck. She tried to get away, swinging at them, but it didn't work. "Make another move Winston and I'll cut her to ribbons." One Soc threatened, making Beka's eyes go wide. I didn't think twice punched him square in the jaw. He jerked back a little and the other Socs came at me. Punches were thrown until the Socs went running away. "Yeah! You better run!" I yelled and Beka laughed. "Come on let's get outa here before the fuzz show." She said tugging on my arm. We started to walk back to the Curtis' when I noticed that my back hurt, I had to keep my rep and not show it. By the time we got back I barely could stand. Beka must've noticed because she pulled me into the bathroom, locking the door behind us. "Dal, what's up?" I chucked. "Nothing doll." She crossed we arms I front of her chest. "I don't believe you." I rolled my eyes and she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. I winced at the pain. She drew back with a knowing look on her face. I grunted and said, "It's my back." She snapped her fingers. "Take it off." I slipped off my jacket and my shirt, turning to her. "Dallas! Those Socs cut you!" I turned to the mirror and saw a gash that stretched from my shoulder to the back of my ribs. "Damn." I muttered. She reached into the cabinet and grabbed the peroxide. As she poured the peroxide on my back I winced. "Almost done." When she finished, she put gauze on my shoulder and kissed my neck. I took a deep breath and said it, "I love you Beka." She looked at me in disbelief. "What?" "I said I love you." "I love you too Dallas." She smiled and I smashed my lips to hers.
Sorry if that sucked Beka. I hope you like it! :)

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