Johnny imagine for dancer0725

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She looked so gorgeous. Her beautiful red hair flowed down her shoulders, her sparking blue eyes sparkling in the low light. I felt my hands start to sweat and wiped them off on my jeans. I'd wanted to ask her to be my date tonight, but I was just too nervous. A perfect girl like Beth would never wanna be with a grease like me. "Hey Johnny, you alright?" Pony asked, appearing next to me, his girlfriend, Emily, by his side. I sighed and looked back over at Beth, who was talking to one of her friends. "She likes you Johnny. You just gotta go for it." I felt my cheeks heat up. "S-she likes me?" Pony and Emily both nodded. I felt a sudden rush of confidence and started to make my way through the group of people on the dance floor. By the time I made it over to Beth, her friend was gone and she was standing all alone. It was the perfect chance to ask her to dance. "H-hey Beth," I nervously stuttered, waving slightly. She smiled sweetly. "Hey Johnnycakes. Are you having fun?" I nodded. "Beth...I-I was wondering...if you'd like to...if you want with me?" Just as I stuttered out the sentence, a slow song came on, making me more nervous than I already was. "I'd love to Johnny." Beth laced our fingers together and we made our way to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around my neck while my hands stayed on her hips. She rested her head on my shoulder, her eyes closed. I smiled, feeling my blush darken, and rested my cheek on top of her head. We swayed back and forth to the music. The whole thing felt like a dream. And if it was, I never wanted to wake up. I took a deep breath, making Beth look me in the eyes. "Beth...I-I wanna tell ya something." "Go ahead Johnny. You know you can tell me anything." I cleared my throat and said, "Beth, ever since I first saw ya, I've been in love with're're're're perfect...would you want to...I don't know...go out with me sometime?" Even though I didn't think it was possible, her smile grew wider. Beth hugged me as tight as she could. "That sounds perfect Johnny." "You're the one that's perfect," I told her, leaning down and softly kissing her.

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