Johnny imagine for ILoveJohnnyCade7

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Sorry this took so long! I wasn't feeling all that great this morning, but I hope that didn't reflect here...I hope you like it.
"You're a really good skater Ariana," my best friend and crush, Johnny Cade, said with a small smile as we walked back to my house. Johnny and I just did my favorite thing in the world, ice skating. At the beginning, he was falling a lot and he needed a lot of help. I didn't mind though. It gave me a chance to be closer to him. But towards the end, he was almost going as fast as me. Almost. "Thanks Johnnycakes, you weren't too bad yourself." He smiled and went back to looking at the ground. I do badly wanted to tell him that I liked him in that moment, but I was too scared. Finally, I just took a deep breath and said, "Johnny I gotta tell you something." He looked up at me and our eyes met, making me want to melt. I loved Johnny's eyes, and I got lost in them every time we talked, another reason I haven't told him the truth yet. "Yeah Ariana, what is it?" Just as I opened my mouth to say something, a Mustang full of Socs pulled up next to us. "Hey baby! What's a pretty girl like you doing around a greaseball like that?" I saw Johnny tense up next to me and felt my heart start pounding in my chest. I'd never been jumped before, my brothers were always there to protect me, but thankfully, I could hold my own. They started to get out and surround us. That's when I got really scared. "Hey baby, why don't you come with us so we can show you a good time?" a blonde Soc asked with a smirk, making my stomach turn. The next thing I knew, the Socs had Johnny pinned with a blade against his neck and they had me pinned down and were trying to kiss me, which thankfully they didn't, I was saving my first kiss for Johnny. "Stop moving baby!" I didn't, instead I managed to get Johnny away, and beat all four of them up. Like I said, I can hold my own. After they sped away, leaving a cloud of dust behind them, I turned to Johnny, who was shaking. I knelt down beside him and put my hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. They're gone now." "C-can we go to the lot?" he asked. I could barely hear him, but I nodded and we walked to the lot, him staying extra close to me. I didn't mind though. Once we got to the lot, I started a fire to warm us and sat down next to Johnny, who was shaking a little less now. "Hey Johnnycakes, it's okay. They ain't gonna hurt you no more." He smiled a little. "Would...would you stay with me tonight?" I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked down so my chocolate brown hair would cover them. I heard Johnny chuckle and move the hair out of my eyes. "Don't hide it. You're adorable when you blush Ariana." This made me blush harder and smile. Then the next thing I knew, we were both leaning in. When our lips touched, my heart stopped and my stomach filled with butterflies. Johnny was such an amazing kisser! When we pulled apart, both of us blushing hard, he asked, "Ariana Curtis...will you be my girl?" I grinned from ear to ear. "Yes! Yes Johnny Cade! I'll be your girl!" He chuckled and put his arm across my shoulders, pulling me closer into his chest. I started to drift off when I felt him peck my lips and say, "I love you Ariana. Thanks for staying with me."

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