Soda imagine for kansaicity2002

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Wow, it's been a really long time since I've written an imagine for anyone! I actually opened my requests back up a while ago but I guess no one saw. Oh well. Thanks for reading these guys! It means so much! Without further ado, here's the imagine.
"Matisse? Would you mind going down to that gas station down the street and grabbing a few bottles of Coke?" my mother asked as we laid our red and white checkered tablecloth over our picnic bench. We were having a barbecue today since it was the Fourth of July. And golly was today warm. "Sure mom. I don't mind," I replied as I helped her straighten it out. "Thanks for your help. Everyone should be here in about an hour. You think you can be back by then?" my mom asked, handing me a few dollar bills. "Don't worry mom." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and hoped over the gate. On the way, I sang to myself. I didn't even realize I was singing until someone from behind me said, "You're a really good singer!" You can bet that it just about made me jump a foot. I turned around to see Sodapop Curtis standing there, which made my heart race more. Soda used to go to my school before he dropped out. I've always had a crush on him, just never had the guts to tell him how I really felt. Besides, he didn't even know my name. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare ya," he reached out his hand, "I'm Sodapop. And yes. That's my real name." I chucked a little and saw him grin. "My name's Matisse," I said as I shook his hand, my heart almost exploding out of my chest from our hands touching. "Nice to meet ya. Where ya headed?" "That gas station nearby. My mom has me on Coke duty," I chuckled, jerking my thumb towards it. "Hey! I work there! I was just about to start my shift. You wanna walk together?" I could feel a blush creep up on my cheeks and I hoped that Soda couldn't notice. "Sounds like a lot of fun. Let's go." We both walked side-by-side down to the street. Once we were inside, I grabbed as many cokes as I could carry and brought them up to the counter where Soda rang me up. "Whatcha need all that soda for?" "My family's having a barbecue. Lots of guests." I smiled. Soda flashed me one of his movie star grins. "If you want Matisse, I could help you carry them back," he said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, smiling like a little kid. "I couldn't ask ya to do that. You have to work." "I'll get my buddy Steve to take over for a bit. It won't be that long." We both picked up the Cokes and walked back to my house, talking about ourselves. When we made it to my gate, I saw that most of my family was already here. "It was nice meeting you Matisse. Maybe we can hang out again sometime?" Soda asked as he put his armload of Cokes in the cooler. After I put mine in, I said, "Why don't you stay for the party? I'd love to keep talking to ya." The word love made my cheeks heat up again. "I wouldn't wanna bother ya...." I took Soda's hand without realizing it. "You won't be bothering us. C'mon. Stay." I gave him my best pouty face, making him chuckle. "Alright! Alright! On one condition." "Which is..?" "I get to do this." I wasn't expecting what happened next, but Soda leaned over and kissed my cheek. A blush and a huge smile lit up my face. "C'mon ya goofball," I took his hand and pulled him inside, where we spent the whole night talking, laughing, and when the fireworks lit the sky, sharing our first kiss.

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