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🚨This is VERY descriptive🚨
I nuzzled my face into my pillow and wrapped my blanket closer around me, enjoying the warmth that it brought. The sun was shining brightly through the blinds, making everything in my room have a golden glow. I heard someone walk in my room and shut the door behind them, causing me to open one eye to see who it was. It was Johnny. Once he looked over at me, he said, "Jeremy I know you're awake." I laughed and sat up. "Ya caught me." He laughed and sat at the edge of my bed. I sat up next to him and kissed his cheek. "How're you feeling Johnnycakes?" He smiled. "Just fine now that I get to see you." I blushed at his words and stared into his soft puppy eyes that I love so much. "Ya know, you're pretty sexy when you blush," he told me, making my cheeks heat up. He'd never called me 'sexy' before. "You really think so?" I asked, playing with my hands in my lap. He tilted my chin up so we were staring into each other's eyes again. "Jeremy I don't think so, I know so." He smiled and so did I, except I was biting my lip slightly. Then he started leaning in. I closed my eyes and waited for him to kiss me. I loved Johnny's kisses, they were always so sweet and gentle, almost like he was scared to kiss any rougher. Little did he know, I was about to change that. Finally, I felt him press his soft lips against mine, making my heart pound. I felt him trace his tongue against my bottom lip, practically begging for me to open my mouth, which I did and he started massaging my tongue with his. My mind was doing backflips. Johnny's never kissed me like this before. We kept kissing for a few moments before he broke the kiss, both of us breathing hard and smiling. "I love you Jeremy," he told me between gasps of air. He looked really hot with the way his hair was messed up and how he was slightly sweating from the warmth of my room and the passion in the kiss. "I love you too Johnny." He smiled and leaned in for another kiss, this time pushing me so I was laying on my back on my bed. I smiled as he slipped off his shirt, revealing more of his tanned skin and his abs that were created from rumbles. He must've caught me staring because he leaned in and kissed me again. I kissed him back and slid my hands all over his chest. My heart pounded slightly when he moaned. During the kiss, Johnny had slipped his hand up my shirt so it was resting on my bare stomach. I shivered at his touch, making him smirk and start kissing my neck. I tried not to moan, I really did, but I accidentally moaned really loud, making him smile. "Don't fight it Jeremy." I nodded and he started again. I was sure he was leaving a hickey. Finally he pulled off my shirt, making me cover myself in embarrassment. Johnny smiled and moved my arms. "Jeremy, don't cover up." I smiled and grew more comfortable. That's when he started working on the button of my jeans. And...I let him.

Afterwards we both laid in each others arms, smiling at each other. "I really love you Jeremy," he told me, pecking my lips. I smiled and kissed his chest. "I love you too Johnny so much." He smiled and I slowly started to drift off to a peaceful sleep, in my boyfriend's arms, where I always felt safe and secure.

My heaven.

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