Darry imagine for OutsidersObsessed_

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Darry imagine for OutsidersObsessed_
Sorry this is so late. I ran out of data and have to use my schools wifi to post it. 😅
I walked up the Curtis' steps and brushed my windblown chocolate brown hair out of my eyes. Today was December 25th and my boyfriend Darry invited me over to spend it with him. I blushed at the thought and knocked on the door, greeted by Ponyboy in a red sweater. "Hey Katy," he moved out of the way so I could walk in, "you don't have to knock you know." I nodded. "I know. But I feel weird if I don't." He chuckled a little and sat back down on the couch, watching some Christmas show. I walked into the kitchen and found Darry putting a baked chicken into the oven. "Hey Darebear." I said, throwing my arms around his neck. He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head. "Hey Katy-Kat." I giggled. "Wanna go watch tv?" I nodded and we both joined Ponyboy on the couch, watching whatever Christmas shows were on, waiting for the food to get done.
We all sat around the gold-lighted Christmas tree tearing open our presents. Pony got mostly books and art supplies, Soda got clothes, and Darry got some new tools. "There's one more present for you back here Katy." Sodapop said as he slid out a huge box that was wrapped in silver paper. I chuckled and looked for a tag saying who it was from, but couldn't find one. I started to tear open the paper and found packing peanuts. "Is this a trick?" No one said anything so I just kept digging. And that's when I felt a little slip of paper at the bottom. "What is it Katy?" Pony asked, leaning closer so he could see. I opened it and tears brimmed my eyes. "My Katy-Kat. Ever since we were kids, I've been crazy about you. I used to go to bed thinking about how I was going to have a chance with you. Then one day in high school, the prom to be exact, I was given that chance when you were voted prom queen and I was king. That dance was magical. My arms around your waist and yours around my neck, your head resting on my shoulders. I couldn't ask for more. I was the luckiest guy alive. That was the best night of my life, with the exception of this one. Katy will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?" I turned around to see Darry down on one knee, a silver ring with my birthstone on it in his hand. "Yes," I squealed and brushed away a few tears, "yes Darry! I will marry you!" A smile lit up his face and he slid the ring on my finger. As he stood up, I cupped his face in my hands. "I love you Darebear." He smiled. "I love you too Katy-Kat." He lifted me up and kissed me.
I'm sorry it took so long and I hope you like it.

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