Darry imagine for OutsidersObsessed_

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Okay. Not much of a description here because I know this is nothing compared to your last imagine Katy. I loved it so much. Anyway here it is.
I laid my head on the cool glass window while the gang was off having their own conversations. Emily and Pony were fast asleep, his arm around her and her head on his shoulder. They looked so cute. Johnny was staring nervously at the floorboard, and Soda, Steve, Dally and Two-Bit were talking about some new greaser girl that they'd seen. I let out a sigh and looked over at Darry, who was deeply focused on the road, not listening to any of us. I so badly wanted to talk to him but I was too nervous. Darry and I have been friends since we were kids. I recently came back to see him and the gang was so excited that they suggested we go to the beach, which is where we're going now. Finally the car jerked to a stop and everyone started to get out. I grabbed my towel and set it out on the hot sand, when someone threw me over their shoulder and started running for the water. "Put me down! Put me down!" I squealed and punched their back. "Okay." They said. I felt the cool rush of water surround me and I came up gasping for air. I saw Darry standing there, wet, laughing with the rest of the gang. "Not funny." I pushed some of my soaked hair out of my face. "C'mon doll, it was pretty funny." Two-Bit said. I rolled my eyes and walked over to my towel to dry off. After a few moments I wasn't dripping anymore. Everyone was in the water. Johnny was floating on his back, Dally, Steve, Soda, and Two-Bit were having a water fight, and Emily and Pony were playing tag. Suddenly I felt someone sit next to me in the sand. "Hey Katy-Kat." I looked over to see Darry sitting there. "Hey Darebear." I said, using my old nickname for him. He smiled. "Everything okay?" I shrugged. "Yeah. What about you?" He ran his hand through his hair. "Yeah." We looked out at at the sun, which was setting now. "Hey, Katy can I tell you something?" He asked, looking back over at me. I nodded without looking back at him. "Ya know that one day when we were playing on the playground and I pulled your hair?" I laughed. I couldn't actually believe he remembered that day. "Yeah. What about it?" He leaned closer. "I only did that because I liked you." His ice blue eyes met mine. "Really?" He nodded, then shook his head before looking back at the sunset. "I was so stupid." "Dare, you remember that day when you went out with Jolene?" He nodded. "I was so jealous." I whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear me. But obviously he did because he turned to me. "She was nothing compared to you." I blushed and stared out at the sunset. I felt him place his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled up into his muscular chest. We stayed like that until he said, "Katy?" I turned to face him. "Yeah?" He started leaning in and I did too. I got butterflies in my stomach when our lips met. After we broke the kiss he asked, "Did you wanna be my girl?" I nodded and he chuckled. "Darry can we go home now?" Two-Bit wined as he staggered over to us with the rest of the gang following. "Yeah come on." We got up and walked back to the Ford. I slid in next to Darry, closing my eyes and starting to fall asleep, when I felt him intertwine our fingers and whisper. "Go to sleep my angel. I love you."
Sorry it took so long Katy. I hope you like it! ☺️

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