Darry imagine for OutsidersObsessed_

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Another imagine for one of my favorite people in the world. Love ya Katy💕
I shivered as the chilly December air blew through my jacket. Tonight was New Year's Eve and I was spending it at the park with my boyfriend Darry and his gang. I sat down on the blanket that I just helped Darry spread out and he sat next to me. A few feet away, Ponyboy sat with Emily. They looked to be deep in conversation about something. "I got a surprise for you tonight Katy," Darry told me. I smiled. "I can't wait Dare." He laid his arm across my shoulders and I snuggled up into his muscular chest, contently sighing. "I love you Darry." He kissed the top of my head, rubbing his thumb on my jacket sleeve. "I love you too Katy." I pecked his lips and heard someone yell, "Who's ready to start?" When I looked back, I saw Dariann and Two-Bit each carrying an armload of fireworks. We all cheered and they started to set them up. After a few moments, fireworks exploded in the sky in an array of colors. "It's beautiful," I whispered once there was a pause. "You haven't seen the best yet," Darry replied with a smirk. Before I could reply, there was a really loud boom and the sky lit up. I noticed that the fireworks spelled out Will you marry me Katy? My heart skipped a beat and I turned to see Darry holding a silver ring. "Katy, we've known each other for a long time, and ever since that day that I first met you, I've been head-over-heels in love with you. I was wondering, Katy (your middle and last name) will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I started to cry. "Yes! Yes Darry! Yes!" He slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me passionately. When we broke the kiss, I whispered, "Those fireworks were beautiful Darry." He smiled and cupped my face. "Yeah but not as beautiful as you Katy."

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