Sodapop imagine for Creepy_RianneXD

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Thanks Rianne for requesting this imagine. It's her first one from me and I hope she likes it. 😊
***SODA'S POV***
I stuffed my hands in my jacket pockets and walked to the lot to see my best friend Rianne. I've liked her since we were kids, just never found the right time or had the guts to tell her, especially since I was dating Sandy. As I walked into the lot, I saw the glow of the fire and I saw Rianne sitting next to her brother, Johnny Cade, on the couch. I told Johnny a long time ago that I liked her and he was cool with me and her dating, as long as I didn't hurt her, which I wouldn't dream of in a million years. When I got closer, I heard Rianne say, "I just don't know what to do Johnny." He looked over at me and smiled. "Hey Soda." Rianne turned around and shot me a breathtaking smile, making me blush in spite of myself. Johnny got up off the couch, buttoning up his jeans jacket and said, "I'll see you later Rianne." Rianne grabbed Johnny's arm, making him spin around. "Do you have your blade?" Johnny nodded and patted his pocket. Rianne ruffled his hair. "Be safe little brother." Johnny smiled and walked off, probably back to my house. Rianne leaned back on the old car seat and sighed. I sat down next to her. "You sure are protective of him." She laughed slightly. "I have to be. He's my kid brother. Ain't you like that with Ponyboy?" I nodded and grinned. She smiled and looked up at the sky. "Sure is pretty." I looked over at her and my breath got caught in my throat. The moonlight was shining on her, giving her a silver glow that shined in all the right places. She flipped some of her silky black hair out of her eyes and laughed. "What?" I grinned and leaned closer. "What is it Soda?" She asked again. I cupped her cheek and whispered, "I love you Rianne." A light blush dusted her cheeks. She whispered, "Soda," as our faces came closer and I whispered, "So much." Finally our lips crashed together. She was an amazing kisser, not like anything I've ever felt before. When we pulled away, breathing hard, I pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. She smiled and kissed my nose, making me smile too. "I really do love you Pepsi-Cola." My heat skipped a beat, hearing the words I've always wanted to hear. "Will you be my girl?" I asked in between breaths. She kissed my nose again and ran her fingers through my hair, giving me chills. My heart pounding, I leaned in and kissed her again, feeling her smile. Just thinking about how gorgeous she is, and that she's all mine, made me smile too.

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