Pony imagine for a-libis

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A cold wind blew, chilling me from head to toe. I rubbed my arms in hopes to keep warm. I was at the Nightly Double with my best friend Ponyboy Curtis. I've had a crush on Ponyboy ever since we were kids, I just kept it quiet because I didn't think he liked me back. "Hey Abby! I gotcha some popcorn," Pony said, handing me a Coke and my popcorn. "Thanks Pony," I replied, a smile on my face. Ponyboy was the best friend I could ask for, but I really wanted to be something more than his best friend. We watched the movie for a little longer, both of us eating and sipping on our Cokes, when, I finished my bag. Pony must've noticed because he said, "Here Abby. Have some of mine." I smiled at him, this is the kind of stuff that makes me love him like I do. "Thanks Ponyboy. That's really sweet of you." I took a few pieces and popped them into my mouth. That's when I noticed that the tips of Pony's ears were red and he was staring at me. "What?" I asked, a slight chuckle in my voice. "Y-you're just r-really pretty..." he stammered. I felt my cheeks heat up. "I am?" He nodded. "The most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I looked down at my lap, blushing so hard I'm sure my cheeks were glowing. Ponyboy tilted my chin up to look at him. "I-I really like you Abby...I always have..." I couldn't help the smile that crept up on my lips. "I like you too...a whole lot." This made him smile. "You wanna be my girl Abby?" My heart fluttered. "I'd love that Pony." He slowly started leaning in and I noticed I was too. Finally, we met each other's lips in a shy, but passionate kiss. It lasted for a few moments before we broke it. "You're so beautiful Abby," I smiled. "I-I think...I'm in love with you."

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