Johnny imagine for staygrease

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Thanks for requesting Autumn! I hope you like it!
----------------------------------------------I leaned against the wall and took a long drag off of my cigarette as my best friend and crush Autumn talked to Soda. Her brown-blonde hair was perfectly curled so it fell in little waves to her shoulders and her hazel eyes were sparkling like nothing I've ever seen. She's so beautiful. I just wish I had the guts to tell her how I really felt about her. She makes my heart pound. "Why don't you just go tell her how you feel Johnny?" Pony asked me as he took a drink of his Pepsi. I sighed. "I'm too nervous." She looked back at me and smiled, making me look down, blushing hard. "It ain't that bad." I looked over at her again and sighed. "Okay...I'll do it." Pony patted my back and I started to walk over to her, my heart pounding and me growing even more nervous with every step I took. Once I got close enough, I barely managed to say, "Hey," to her without shaking. "Hey Johnnycakes." I smiled with a blush at her nickname for me. "C-can I ask you something?" She looked over at Soda, who was smiling. "Uh sure." She turned so she was facing me. I jammed my hands in my jeans jacket pockets in hopes to hide how bad I was shaking. "Autumn...I-I was wondering...if you wanted to...go to Dairy Queen to get some ice cream with on a date." My voice squeaked at the end, making my cheeks heat up. Her face lit up and I relaxed a little. "I'd love to." I smiled. "Great! Do you wanna go after we get done here?" She looked back at Soda who was pretending not to listen to us. "Sure." I smiled. "I'll see you in a little while." "Okay," she said, starting to walk back to the counter. Just as I was walking away, I heard her call my name. "Johnny! One more thing." I turned to face her again and felt a soft pair of lips against my cheek. I looked over at her to see her smiling. "I'll see you tonight Johnny." Then she started to walk away again. "Right. Tonight," I called back. I couldn't stop smiling. I finally got a date with the most perfect girl in the world.
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