Dally imagine for loldays

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I'm so sorry that this took so long to post! I was really busy with testing and everything and then I ran out of data to post it! I hope it was worth the wait though! Just saying, this has some minor language in it.
"So Dal what do ya think of Linden?" Johnny asked, looking down at the ground as he walked beside me.
Linden. God even her name is beautiful. Truth is that I think she's the most beautiful girl in the world. I'd never tell anyone in the gang that though. They'd think I got soft or something.
"She's alright. Why ya asking?"
Johnny got real quiet before he said, "I really dig her Dal, I was thinking about asking her out on a date."
I felt jealousy bubble up inside of me. Linden couldn't like Johnny! She's in love with me! Even if she's never said it, she loves me!
"You sure you're ready for something like that? You've never had a girl before."
The mention of that made Johnny turn a bright red with embarrassment. I smirked a little, knowing it got to him.
"I-I am ready Dal... I've never felt this way about a girl before."
"We'll see how it goes," I said, opening the door.
As we walked in, Linden looked up from the tv and smiled at both of us.
"Hey Dally! Hey Johnny! How're you guys."
"I-I'm great now that I'm around you.." Johnny awkwardly stuttered out, making my blood boil.
"I mean, who could be upset around a doll like you?" I said as I slung my arm around her shoulders.
"Man, cut it out Dal! Can't you just leave her alone?!" Johnny snapped, looking me directly in the eyes.
"What'd you say to me you little shit? What'd you say to me?"
Johnny gulped. "I said leave Linden alone!"
I thought about belting him right there, but I just stormed off outside. Sitting down on the step, I lit a weed and took a long drag. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Johnny had the best chance with Linden out of us. Just as I felt a lump grow in my throat, Linden quietly walked out.
"Hey Dally.."
"What do you want?" I asked, taking a hit off of my cancer stick. "Shouldn't you be in there with your new boyfriend?"
"Johnny and I aren't dating."
"Why not?" I threw the butt into the grass. "You two are in love or some shit."
"Shut up Dallas. I picked you."
I looked at her in disbelief. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
She turned a deep shade of red and kissed me a bit rough.
"I picked you Dallas..." she whispered against my lips.
I smirked and slipped my ring on her finger before leaning in for another kiss

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