Two-Bit imagine for Jordyn-ackles

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Sorry this imagine took such a long time. I've been having some issues with my data plan and I've had to have access to wifi to do anything. So anyways...I hope this imagine is worth the wait. Thanks again for requesting. 😊
"Two-Bit, where are we going?" I asked my boyfriend of a month, Two-Bit, for the millionth time. Two-Bit and I had been walking down the street, passing time, when he suddenly said, "Let's go on a date!" and covered my eyes. He still won't tell me where we're going and we've been walking for a long time now. "Hang on just a little longer Jordyn," he told me, chuckling slightly. I let out a sigh and let him guide me until he suddenly stopped. "You ready?" he asked. "I was born ready." "You sure you're ready?" "Yes! I'm ready!" I retorted, laughing. And as soon as I did, he moved his hands off of my eyes, revealing one of the picnic tables, covered with a tablecloth. There were rose petals spread all throughout the grass. On the picnic table, there was a picnic basket and a candle burning brightly in the middle of the table. "Oh Two-Bit..." I said, my eyes filling with tears. He laced our fingers together. "Come on. Let's go eat," he said, pulling me over to the table. We both sat down and he started pulling food out of the basket. "...grilled cheese, chocolate cake, and sparkling grape juice," he listed as he took them out. "Two-Bit...when did you plan this?" I asked. I was curious. It was really unlike Two-Bit to do stuff like this. "I've been wanting to do something like this for a long time." "Did you do this all by yourself?" He looked a little embarrassed. " Pony's new girlfriend, Emily helped me some." I smiled. "You're so sweet." This made him grin. "Well, there's no sense in lettin' this food go to waste." And with that, we started eating, talking casually. After we finished, I sighed happily. "This night has been perfect Two-Bit." "It's not done yet." I looked back up at him to see him grinning in the low light, the light from the candle highlighting his every feature. He grinned and started leaning over the table. Before I knew it, I was too. When our lips finally touched, I got butterflies. It wasn't anything like I've ever felt before. He was such a great kisser. I was sure I was gonna melt. After a few more moments, we broke the kiss, both of us smiling. I thought I'd seen Two-Bit smile, but I'll never forget how brightly he was smiling at that moment. He took both of my hands, looking me deeply in the eyes, and kissed me again. I felt like i was on top of the world. "Jordyn, I gotta tell you something," he said a little nervously after we broke the kiss. "What is it?" He took a deep breath and smiled nervously. I honestly think this was the first time I've seen Two-Bit be nervous. "I-I love you Jordyn," he said after a few minutes. My heart skipped a beat. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Jordyn...please say something," he pleaded, his nervousness seeming to grow. "I love you too Two-Bit!" I squeaked, grinning. "You do?" he asked, sounding relieved and excited. I smiled. "I do!" "Then I guess you won't mind if I do this again." He pulled me close and we shared another passionate kiss.

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