Special Johnny imagine for @the.outsiders.fan.fics on instagram

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For New Years I've decided to pick one of my followers on Instagram/Wattpad to write an imagine for. I actually went with my first choice. This imagine is REALLY different from all the ones I usually do so I hope it's alright. I'm rating it R because it might be a little much for some people. Okay enough of me. Here it is.
I leaned up against the wall, listening to the music that was blaring out of the speakers. Tonight was New Years Eve and my long-time friends, the Curtis' invited me to go to Buck Merril's party with them. I only went because I knew that since Pony was going, my best friend and crush, Johnny Cade, was gonna be there too. I've liked Johnny forever, I've just never been able to tell him how I really felt. I wasn't even sure if he was gonna feel the same way back, so I kept my trap shut and tried to hide the feelings I had for him. Plus, I'm fourteen, he's sixteen. I don't know if he likes younger guys. "H-hey Jeremy!" A voice slurred behind me, making me jump slightly. "God Two-Bit scare me!" I could hear him laughing, making my face burn with embarrassment. The gang already knew I liked Johnny, and surprisingly they kept it a secret from him. "You know, he likes you," Two-Bit said, making me blush more. "Nah, Johnny'd never go for a guy like me," I said, sadly and looked over at him. His jet black hair was slicked with grease perfectly and his dark eyes were mesmerizing tonight. "I don't know what you're so scared of Jeremy. Just go talk to him." I took a deep breath. "Okay...okay...I'll do it." I started walking closer to the bar, checking my brunette hair, making sure it was laying just right, and unbuttoning my shirt slightly. After I finished prepping, I looked over at the bar again and noticed that Johnny wasn't there anymore. I felt that sudden boost of confidence fade and at that same time I felt someone come up behind me and pinch my butt. I gasped and when I saw who it was, my heart started pounding. It was Johnny. "Hey Jeremy," he said, smiling one of his rare smiles that makes me wanna melt. "H-hey Johnny," I said, nervously wiping my hands on my jeans. He must've noticed because he moved his hands so he was holding mine. I wanted to scream but I kept my cool. I got even more nervous when Soda called out, "Ten seconds 'till midnight!!!" Then they started counting down


"Johnny I have to tell you something."


"Me too."


Just as I opened my mouth to tell Johnny how I really felt about him, I felt a pair of lips on mine. My heart stopped. Johnny, the love of my life, was kissing me! It took me a few seconds to realize what happening and kiss back. Johnny flicked his tongue against the bottom of my lip and my mind started doing backflips. I opened my mouth, accepting his tongue. And for a few moments we stood there, in each other's arms, kissing.


We broke apart right as the clock struck midnight, both of us breathing heavy. I felt a smile creep up on my lips and I saw that Johnny was smiling too. "I love you Jeremy," he said in between breaths. "Me too," I said, feeling like I was king of the world. Johnny leaned over and we shared another passionate kiss, making me chuckle since I was so happy. Then I felt Johnny run his fingers along the inner part of my thigh, making me moan slightly and him smirk. "C'mon Jeremy, let's go celebrate," he said taking my hand, walking up the stairs. As we walked up I heard people whistling, making me and Johnny both smile. Once we got upstairs, I sat on the bed. Then Johnny locked the door, turning to me, smiling. I smiled too and felt a familiar pair of lips against mine again. And that's where the real fun began...
Wow, I've never done anything like that before...I hope it was okay Jeremy 😊

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