Ponyboy imagine for BeautyQueens2014

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I know I said this would take longer...and I expected it to...but I wanted to do it so here it is and I hope it's what you were looking for.
I pulled the blankets up closer to me, enjoying the warmth of sleep. I thought I heard someone talking. But then I realized what they were saying. "...he's so cute. I wish that he'd notice that I like him. I've been giving him all the signs." I sprung up in bed to see Dally next to me, reading my journal. Jumping up, I snatched it from him. "Dally what the heck?" He shook his head. "I can't believe you dig Ponyboy. Jesus Christ! My kid sister!" My face started to burn. "Don't worry about it," I walked over to grab my jacket out of the closet, "just drop it okay?" I asked, slipping the jacket on along with my shoes. "Where do ya think you're going?" I reached for the doorknob. "Somewhere," I mumbled as I started down the stairs. I was going to the Curtis'. I just didn't want Dally to know so he would follow me. He's so protective of me and doesn't approve of me liking anyone. He spooked my last crush so bad that he wouldn't even be in the same room as me. With a sigh, I walked in the Curtis' and was greeted by everyone. Ponyboy just glanced up at me from the book he was reading. "Hey Ally." I gave him a weak smile and sat down next to him, playing with my hands in my lap. "Whatcha doin' here kiddo?" Darry asked as he sat down in his armchair, picking up the newspaper. I gulped nervously. I couldn't tell them why I was here. It's just too embarrassing. "Ah, it's just Dal. He's being irritating," I said, leaning back against the couch, putting my feet on Pony's lap. Two-Bit walked in from the kitchen. "Man, I'm bored. Wanna go to the drive in Pone?" Pony nodded, then looked over at me. "What about you Ally? Wanna go?" I shrugged. "Sure I got nothing better to do anyways." We all started to walk to The Nightly Double. The whole way there, Two-Bit was cracking jokes about people that were walking by, causing me and Pony to crack up. After sneaking under the fence, Two-Bit, Pony, and I took our seats in the middle. Just before the movie started, Two-Bit went to go talk to some blonde who was siting with her friend in the front row she was throwing popcorn at the people as they walked by, while her friend sat there, reading a book. Then the screen lit up and the movie started. Halfway through the movie, Pony and I were siting close, my head resting on his shoulder. I jumped when a familiar voice said, "Ally Winston what do you think you think you're doing?" Pony looked pretty spooked too. I nervously turned around to see my brother standing there. "H-hey Dal," I said, shakily. "What do you think you're doing here?" "I-I'm with Pony...we're watching a movie." "That's not what it looks like." I gulped. I've never seen my brother this mad before. Truthfully, it was scaring me. "Come on we're leaving," he said, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the drive in. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to face me. "Dammit Ally! I told you you couldn't date! But do you listen? Nope!" I took a quivering breath and saw Ponyboy standing there by the entrance, a bag of popcorn in his hand. He looked so worried, like Dal was gonna go over there and kick his head in after he finished with me. I looked back up at and felt a sudden rush of confidence. I pulled my arm away from him. "Dally! I'm fourteen now! I'm not a kid anymore! Pony won't hurt me if that's what you're afraid of!" I started to walk back to the entrance, where Ponyboy was standing there, grinning. I linked my arm through Pony's. "Damn Ally. I never seen you like that," he said as we started to walk away. "I know. He had me scared to death." I sat down in a chair that was further back. "You sure didn't show it." I smiled and we both started to watch the movie again. After a few minutes I felt someone staring at me, so I turned around and saw Dally standing there smiling. He mouthed I love you. I mouthed it back and turned back to the screen, laying my head on Pony's shoulder again.
Oh my gosh guys! You won't believe what happened last night! Liam Howell actually accepted my follow request on Instagram!!!! That's Tommy Howell's son in case some of you didn't know. He called me babe and said he loves me. Oh and if any of you guys use Instagram and aren't following me, you can. The names @ponygirlcurtis722. Alright guys. Hang in there only two more days until you can request like mad. Until then...

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