Steve imagine for stevierandle98

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Sorry this took so long! This lack of data thing is really annoying and I hate that I can't talk to you guys without wifi. I hope this imagine is awesome like the one you did for me Jackie. 😊
"Daddy? Can we go to the park after this?" my little four-year-old Dylan asked as my beautiful wife, Jackie, poured a bowl of cereal for him. Jackie and I have known each other since we were kids, and now, we're married. "Sure thing little man," I said, ruffling his hair. He smiled and laughed. "I have the best daddy in the world!" "He sure is something," Jackie said, smiling at me. I returned the smile and we made small talk as we ate. After we finished, we all piled into my truck and drove down the street to the park. Ironically, this was the same park that the gang and I used to hang out at. After I parked, I got out, and helped Jackie and Dylan get out. I didn't even have time to set Dylan down before he went running off to the playground. "Dylan! Be careful!" I scolded, taking him off the steps on the slide. He sighed and walked over to the play set. "You gotta let go sometime," Jackie whispered in my ear. I sighed. I've known this all along. I just never wanted to let go of my little man. I feel like, once he grows up, he's not gonna want anything to do with me. Jackie pulled me down to sit next to her on the bench. "It's gonna be alright Stevie. He's still gonna love you." I smiled. Jackie always knew what to say. I leaned over and kissed her sweetly. Then I heard someone clear their throat. I broke the kiss and looked at Dylan who was grinning from ear to ear. "What is it baby?" Jackie asked, a light blush dusting her face. That was Jackie for ya, even though we were married, she would always blush when I kissed her. "I met a new friend! Her name's Julia! Isn't she pretty?" Dylan replied excitedly and pointed behind him at a shy looking blonde girl who was looking over at us. "Dylan-" I was gonna say something about him being too young for girls but Jackie cut me off by saying, "She's very beautiful. Go have fun baby." He ran back over to her, grinning, and they started to swing, Dylan pushing Julia and Julia laughing and squealing. "They look so cute!" Jackie cooed, using the same voice she used to use when she talked to Dylan as a baby. "I don't like him being around girls yet," I mumbled under my breath. Jackie must've heard me because she said, "C'mon Steve. It's okay. Relax." Then she kissed my cheek, instantly calming me. I looked over at Dylan again and smiled. He looked so happy. "You did a great job daddy," Jackie whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek. I smiled. "You too mommy," I put my arm across her shoulders, "you too."

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