Dally imagine for AinsleyTheName

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Ainsley requested two imagines last night. You've seen the first one, so here's the second...
----------------------------------------------"Let's sit here," my best friend Cherry said, motioning to there seats open in the middle of the drive-in. It's Friday night and I'm out with them. I'd rather be out with my boyfriend Dallas Winston but I can't since we have to keep our relationship a secret because I'm a Soc and he's a greaser. "Are you coming?" Cherry asked from her seat. I snapped out of my thoughts and sat down next to her. As the movie started, I heard a familiar New York accent say, "Let's sit here." I turned around to see the gang taking seats behind us. I quickly whipped back around, praying that he didn't see me. "Some cute redhead huh?" Dally flirted, leaning closer to Cherry, who blushed and tried to ignore him. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. "Are you a real redhead?" Cherry giggled. "Are you real?" He leaned over and kissed her cheek. As soon as he did, I felt tears well up in my eyes and I stormed out of the drive in. By now tears were streaming down my cheeks. I leaned up against the fence and cried when I felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist and spin me to face them. It was Dally. "Ainsley what's wrong?" I jerked away from him. "What's wrong?! What's wrong?! What's wrong is that you were flirting with my best friend right in front of me!" I screamed through the tears. Dally brushed a few away and tilted my chin up so I was looking in his gorgeous eyes. "You know I was only doin' that for the gang. Do you know what would happen to us if we got caught? Our reps would be ruined. Look, Ainsley. I love you and only you." I blushed. "Oh Dally." He smirked and leaned over, kissing my lips lightly, then more passionately. "Dallas?" We pulled apart to see the gang standing there. We looked at each other, then back at them. We were at a loss for words. "Are you two dating?" I started to say, "no,"but I was cut off by Dallas saying, "Yeah. We are. Screw the labels. I love her and she loves me. I'm tired of dealing with the Soc versus greaser crap. I ain't gonna let it keep us apart." The gang all stared at us wide-eyed. I was pretty shocked too, but I slipped my hand into Dally's and laced our fingers together. "I'm proud of ya Dally," Two-Bit said, grinning. I smiled and we walked back into the drive-in, hand in hand. The whole time everyone was staring at us, which I expected, it's not everyday that you see a Soc with a hood like Dallas Winston, but I didn't care. I was happy with Dally and no one could change that.

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